Search Results for: masacre de uVALDE

(Español) Nadie está por encima de la ley en Illinois con la aprobación de la HB 5471

(Español) “Desafortunadamente tenemos ahora una mayoría extremista en la Cámara de Representantes… que han dicho que no van a pasar ningún tipo de ley para poder prohibir y comprar esas armas de asalto, un peligro para la seguridad pública de todos los americanos en este país”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Brain Injuries and Domestic Violence. Also, Illinois Bans Assault Weapons.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 PROGRAM # 9891 12:00 PM PT Brain Injuries and Domestic Violence. The recent hospitalization of an NFL star put the story of brain trauma in the headlines. Less reported is the story that domestic violence victims suffer from head injuries more often than football players and soldiers who survive wars. Still, domestic […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Roundup of Headline News in 2022

Latino voters proved decisive in the crucial November midterm elections. Some Latino candidates made history by becoming the first in their regions to hold congressional seats. Meanwhile, in the face of increasingly frequent and devastating disasters, President Biden signed the largest climate investment initiative in U.S. history.

Posted in Economy, Education, Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Environment, Mexico, Politics, Health |

Gun Violence among Latinos. Also, Parents Angered Over Texas DNA Kits.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 PROGRAM # 9800 12:00 PM PT Gun Violence among Latinos. Gun violence in the Latino community has increased exponentially compared to the rest of the nation. This is the leading cause of death among young Latinos. An expert discusses the costs of gun violence in the Latino community and the gun policies […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Alex Jones, Shooter Sentencing. Also, Jan 6 Panel Subpoenas Trump.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 17 PROGRAM # 9784 12:00 PM PT Alex Jones, Shooter Sentencing. Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was ordered to pay Sandy Hook families almost a billion dollars for spreading lies that the massacre was a hoax. A father of a high school massacre victim from Parkland and an activist from Uvalde talk about […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) ¿Serán duraderos los avances republicanos con el voto latino del Valle del Río Grande?

(Español) “Según Sáenz, hay otros dos asuntos que pueden ayudar a O’Rourke entre los hispanos: el tema del control de armas, tras la masacre de Uvalde, y el envío de solicitantes de asilo a ciudades demócratas utilizando fondos de los contribuyentes, ambos mal manejados por el republicano Abbott”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Helping Students to Pay for College Costs. Also, Children Trauma in Uvalde.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 PROGRAM # 9754 12:00 PM PT Helping Students to Pay for College Costs. Latino students attending community colleges face a number of pressures, including the soaring costs of living. As they struggle, community college leaders reach out to inform on recent changes to financial aid programs, including changes to Cal Grant and […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Preocupa a familias y residentes de Uvalde falta de responsabilidad policial

(Español) Don McLaughlin, alcalde de Uvalde, habría anunciado que el exdetective del Departamento de Policía de Austin, Jesse Prado haría una investigación interna independiente. Por lo pronto, gran parte de las audiencias de anoche se dedicaron a la sección de comentarios públicos sobre la responsabilidad policial.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Criminal Justice |

(Español) Hostigamiento cibernético contra defensores de la regulación de las armas de fuego

(Español) En el documento de la corte federal de Fresno se dice que en los mensajes de los “trolles” cibernéticos enviados por Catalano, éste “se burla de la muerte de Jaime y del dolor y sufrimiento que ha sentido”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health, Criminal Justice |

Noticiero Latino: California passes law to sue gun industry

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

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