Search Results for: masacre de uVALDE

(Español) A un año de la masacre de Uvalde, las familias pasan del dolor al activismo

This entry is only available in Español.

(Español) A un año de la masacre de Uvalde, las familias pasan del dolor al activismo

This entry is only available in Español.

(Español) Tres meses después de la masacre en Uvalde, el Jefe Arredondo es despedido

(Español) Cuando los miembros de la junta comenzaron a hablar sobre Arredondo, Felicha López, cuyo hijo Xavier James López murió en la masacre, les dijo a los asistentes a la reunión que “la junta escolar necesita proteger a nuestros niños” mientras se limpiaba las lágrimas de los ojos.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Reporte de masacre en Uvalde, una bomba sobre autoridades locales, estatales y federales

(Español) Alfred Garza, padre de la menor Amerie Jo Garza, de 10 años asesinada en la masacre, dijo que no necesitaba el informe de 77 páginas para descubrir que los agentes policiales en el lugar no detuvieron al tirador antes y posiblemente salvar más vidas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

First Open Jan 6 Hearing. Also, Uvalde and 20 More Mass Shootings.

THURSDAY, JUNE 9 PROGRAM # 9649 12:00 PM PT First Open Jan 6 Hearing. The House committee investigating the Jan 6 insurrection is holding its first public hearing tonight. The hearing is expected to provide an overview about the findings of the investigation and present “previously unseen material, receive witness testimony… about the coordinated effort […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Noticiero Latino: Archbishop asks Congress to take responsibility and put an end to the culture of death, after the massacre in Uvalde.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Massacre in Uvalde: The Hard Questions.

THURSDAY, JUNE 2 PROGRAM # 9642 12:00 PM PT Massacre in Uvalde: The Hard Questions. After 19 children and two teachers were killed in an elementary school in Uvalde, the nation is grappling with the aftermath. Hard questions are being raised: Is the culture of arms turning into a culture of massacres? Why is Texas […]

Posted in Education, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Massacre and Despair in Uvalde: “What are we doing?” –

In the aftermath of the massacre of 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, many parents are living in fear: they fear for their children and for the future.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Health |

(Español) Renuncia alcalde de Uvalde tras informe sobre tiroteo en escuela primaria

This entry is only available in Español.

LGTBQ Activists Prepare for Next Presidential Election – 

LGBTQ activists from across the country are gathering in San Francisco to discuss the challenges faced by this historically highly stigmatized community. Despite some successes, they currently face a national wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation in conservative states, as well as an increase in hate crimes and discrimination.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

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