Search Results for: california homeless

California Recall Election: A Debate.

MONDAY, AUGUST 23 PROGRAM # 9356 12:00 PM PDT California Recall Election: A Debate. Despite being a small minority of the California electorate, Republicans are mounting a serious battle in their effort to oust Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. The California recall election is already under way via mail-in ballots and Sept. 14. will be the last day […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

California Recall Election: A Debate.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 PROGRAM # 9331 12:00 PM PDT California Recall Election: A Debate. California voters will go to the polls on Sept. 14 to decide whether to recall Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom or not. Republicans have the odds against them, in a heavily Democratic state where Republicans haven’t won a statewide election in fifteen […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Syphilis Cases in California Drive a Record-Setting Year for STDs Nationwide

Shortly after starting work at Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno, California, Dr. Christian Faulkenberry-Miranda (left) began seeing some babies with a rash on their tummies that looks like a blueberry muffin. But some babies with syphilis have no outward symptoms at all. (UCSF Fresno).

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Stimulus Package. California School Reopening. The Social Bridging Project.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 PROGRAM # 9140 12:00 PM PST Stimulus Package. The first coronavirus aid checks are on the way and unemployment programs are set to be restarted as part of the new Covid-19 relief package as the fight for larger payments continue in the senate. The stimulus bill also provides protections against evictions and […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Newsom’s Ambitious Health Care Agenda Crumbles In A ‘Radically Changed’ World

Although Newsom has sought to quell the spending push by health advocates, he said Saturday that health care remains a top priority and he’s “committed” to adopting reforms within California’s budgetary constraints — even if it might not happen this year.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Health |

For 2020, California Goes Big On Health Care

(Español) Newsom apartó $ 80.5 millones en su propuesta de presupuesto 2020-21, a fin de cubrir a unos 27 mil adultos mayores en el primer año. Su oficina estimó que los costos actuales serían de aproximadamente 350 millones de dólares al año. Pero los republicanos se oponen vocalmente a tales propuestas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Child Care, Vital Help for Homeless Families 

Being homeless is very difficult for anyone, but it is even harder for those with small children. Instability and uncertainty greatly affect children, especially in their early school years.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Rehúsa la Suprema escuchar al Noveno Circuito sobre ordenanza municipal sobre campamentos de homeless

(Español) Al examinar la apelación, los jueces se enfocarían en la pregunta de “si existe un derecho constitucional a dormir en la acera en un caso en el que la ciudad ya no estaba haciendo cumplir las ordenanzas en cuestión”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) El gigante Apple invertirá $ 2 mil 500 millones en la crisis de vivienda de California

(Español) El Instituto McKinsey Global dice que desde 2005 “California ha añadido 308 unidades de vivienda por cada mil nuevos residentes… En el área de la bahía, 676 mil puestos de trabajo se han añadido en los últimos ocho años, en comparación con 176 mil unidades de vivienda adicionales”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

At Housing Crisis Hot Spot, Presidential Candidate Calls for Respect for the Homeless

California is facing a serious housing and homelessness crisis that is getting worse every day. President Trump sparked a debate in recent weeks by warning that his government could intervene and “clean up” camps of people living on the street, whom he called a burden on society.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

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