Search Results for: california homeless

(Español) En su discurso sobre el estado del estado, el gobernador de California se enfoca en los homeless

(Español) Otro dato eventualmente novedoso en el discurso del gobernador fue el de haber hecho un reconocimiento directo del papel del racismo en la configuración del estado de California tal y como se le conoce hasta ahora.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Homeless Californians Adapt To Camp Sweeps And ‘The Caltrans Shuffle’

In November 2018, when he was camping by an Ikea in nearby Emeryville, the California Highway Patrol and Caltrans showed up unannounced. He was out buying a tent when they arrived, and the crew designated his belongings as garbage. His fellow campers protested and grabbed what they could. Ciha returned and asked for time to gather his things, but said they were thrown into a compactor.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Devastating Fires in California Leave Many Homeless and Facing Uncertainty

The devastation caused by more than 15 forest fires in northern California is growing in what has become one of the worst disasters in state history. Thousands of homes have been destroyed and tens of thousands of residents evacuated.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California Gov signs bill to help homeless veterans

(Español) El presidente de la asamblea legislativa, John Pérez explicó que la ley AB 639 permitirá construir viviendas e integrar comunidades de veteranos en California.

Posted in Topics, Noticiero Latino, Health |

(Español) Homeless Camps

This entry is only available in Español.

Number of Homeless Latinos in Los Angeles on the Rise

Los Angeles County is home to one of the largest homeless populations in the United States. Despite measures taken by local authorities, the number of people who end up on the streets continues to rise, and many of them are Latinos.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

California’s Massive Medicaid Program Works for Some, but Fails Many Others

Newborns. Former inmates. College students. Expectant moms. People with disabilities. Foster kids. Homeless people. Single dads. Your neighbor. Your co-worker. You.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

In California, Democrats Propose $25 Minimum Wage for Health Workers

If lawmakers approve the bill and Gov. Gavin Newsom signs it, one labor leader estimated, 1.5 million California workers could get a wage hike come January 2024.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health, Jobs |

Undocumented Workers Could Receive Unemployment Insurance in California

Although undocumented workers were among the hardest hit by the pandemic, they received little state or federal aid. In order to help the jobless, California Assemblyman Eduardo Garcia is proposing to create a pilot program that would extend unemployment insurance payments to include undocumented workers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Jobs |

Billions in Public Money Aimed at Curing Homelessness and Caring for ‘Whole Body’ Politic

Health insurers will not be required to offer social services to patients like Hunter because federal law requires nontraditional Medicaid services to be optional. But California is enticing insurers with bigger payouts and higher state rankings.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

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