Search Results for: california homeless

Homeless Crisis.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 PROGRAM # 8712 12:00 PM PT Homeless Crisis. The Trump administration threatened to withdraw billions of dollars in federal money to California, blaming the homeless crisis for pollution. California Gov. Newsom signed a number of bills to help local governments fight homelessness and speed up rehousing. Meantime, presidential candidate Julián Castro recently […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ante crisis de vivienda California evalúa política de “derecho a refugio” en NY

(Español) Defensores de los desamparados dicen que “el requisito de derecho a refugio salva vidas” al mantener a las personas más vulnerables fuera de las calles de la ciudad, donde los inviernos fríos y los veranos calurosos pueden ser mortales, como este fn de semana, que alcanzó en NY 110 grados Fahrenheit.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health |

Use Of Psychiatric Drugs Soars In California Jails

In addition to trying to improve treatment inside the jails, Los Angeles and San Diego county officials say they are working more closely with community organizations to ensure inmates with mental illness get the services they need after their release.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Hurricane Irma’s Aftermath: Hunger in the Fields. Also, Permaculture in Baja California.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 PROGRAM # 8156 12:00 PM PST. Hurricane Irma’s Aftermath: Hunger in the Fields. A week after powerful Hurricane Irma hit Florida, thousands of residents in the most impoverished farm working communities are struggling to get food, bottled water and gas. In the farming town of Immokalee, many families were left homeless when […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

California Hopes $3 Billion Experiment Will Improve Health Of Neediest

(Español) Riverside County plans to connect former inmates with health clinics and social services. Orange County hopes to get homeless residents into housing — and help them stay there. Placer County is opening a respite center where homeless patients can go after they leave the hospital.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Housing for California Veterans

California is home to more veterans than any other state in the country. Thousands of them live on the street or in homeless shelters. Araceli Martínez has more from Los Angeles

Posted in Homepage Feature |

Cesar Chavez Boulevard First Street Signs

After a 30-year struggle to honor the labor and civil rights leader Cesar Chavez, the first street signs are being installed for the new “Cesar Chavez Boulevard” in Fresno. THURSDAY, JUNE 20 PROGRAM #10413 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Cesar Chavez Boulevard First Street Signs. After a 30-year struggle to honor the labor and civil […]

Proposition 1, and Drug and Overdose Treatment

California voters recently approved Proposition 1, an initiative that seeks to overhaul mental health care, spend on housing and drug treatment programs, and get homeless people off the streets. THURSDAY, APRIL 11 PROGRAM #10340 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Proposition 1, and Drug and Overdose Treatment. California voters recently approved Proposition 1, an initiative that […]

(Español) Con el fin de la emergencia sanitaria, personas con covid de largo plazo se sienten abandonadas

“I was so surprised,” she said. “And then I felt betrayed because it is terrible to get a letter where a doctor, although within their rights, says that they don’t want you for a patient anymore, because it causes self-doubt.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Karen Bass Sworn in as First Woman Mayor of Los Angeles

In a packed auditorium on a rainy day, Congresswoman and community activist Karen Bass was sworn in as Mayor of Los Angeles, becoming the first woman to lead the city. In a sign of the national importance of the event, Vice President Kamala Harris swore Bass into office.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

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