Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Trump, ¡Not My Presidente! El grito que retumba en la nación

(Español) “Los delegados del Colegio Electoral todavía cada uno individualmente puede cambiar su voto a favor de Hillary Clinton, o ni siquiera votar, para nada. La elección no es oficial todavía, sino hasta que los miembros del Colegio Electoral voten en diciembre”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Activists and Immigrant Families Prepare to Defend Themselves
*Latino Voters in Arizona Boot Out Sheriff Arpaio
*California Voters Approve Bilingual Education and Other Progressive Measures

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

California Voters Approve Bilingual Education and Other Progressive Measures

Voters in California added new Latino representatives to Congress and decided on 17 state measures that go from extending an increase on taxes to finance schools and health for the poorest of the poor, to re-establishing bilingual education.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Activists and Immigrant Families Prepare to Defend Themselves

Against all predictions, Donald Trump was the winner of the November 8th elections, despite Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote. His triumph shocked Latino immigrants and sparked a wave of fear of mass deportations when he becomes president in January. Hundreds of thousands of dreamer youth are in limbo.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Election Day: The Vote.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 PROGRAM #7925 12:00 PM PT. Election Day: The Vote. More than 130 million people are expected to cast their ballot on this day, when campaigns culminate this prolonged, contentious voting season. In this two-hour Línea Abierta special, reporters file stories about voter turnout and voting problems and irregularities. A political analyst shares […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Election Day: The Vote.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 7924 11:00AM PT. Election Day: The Vote. More than 130 million people are expected to cast their ballot on this day, when campaigns culminate this prolonged, contentious voting season. In this two-hour Línea Abierta special, analysts comment about the unusually high Latino voter turnout in Nevada, the intense canvassing work […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Partidarios de Trump planean “observar” lugares de votación

(Español) “El Departamento de Justicia dijo que desplegará más de 500 observadores para monitorear los sondeos en 28 estados”. Además, la referida coalición de organizaciones civiles también opera una línea directa para denuncias y quejas sobre intimidación, y para asistir a los votantes: 1-866-NUESTRO-VOTO.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Election Day: The Eve.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 PROGRAM # 7923 12:00PM PT. Election Day: The Eve. Amid great expectation and as poll show a close race in key states, early voting is breaking record numbers. Tens of millions have already voted early and voter turnout continues surging on the eve of Election Day. In this special, two-hour edition, reporters […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Elections: Countdown.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 PROGRAM # 7919 12:00 PM PT Elections: Countdown. Early voting is fully underway in battleground states and early voting numbers show a surge in Latino voters. Women are also turning out to vote in higher numbers than usual. Latina advocates are spearheading campaigns to elect candidates across the nation, including Nevada’s Catherine […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Se prepara un ejército de expertos en intimidación de votantes

(Español) Pieczenik advierte sin embargo que “los agentes patrióticos y oficiales dentro del FBI, la policía de Nueva York, NYPD, y las Agencias de Inteligencia están luchando para detener el asalto de los Clinton”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

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