Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Continúan en NY demostraciones contra políticas de Trump

(Español) Como parte de un grupo de 350 extranjeros sin documentos migratorios, detenidos con la aplicación de las nuevas políticas migratorias, 90 ciudadanos mexicanos fueron arrestados esta semana, entre otros estados en Nueva York, Kansas, Texas y Virginia: ICE

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Prohibición de refugiados y viajeros musulmanes suscita clamor nacional

Refugee Ban Sparks National Outrage – Just hours after President Trump signed the order to ban the entry of refugees and travelers from certain Muslim countries, dozens of people were detained at airports and others were stuck outside the country.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) ¿Obamacare abolida? ¿Y ahora qué?

(Español) “Si los republicanos logran lo que dicen que van a hacer, eliminar Obamacare, eso va a tener un efecto desastroso para millones de personas en Estados Unidos que gracias a Obamacare ya tienen un seguro de salud que pueden costear”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Leading the Way? Northern California Cities To Embark On Soda Tax Spending

The American Beverage Association, which has lobbied heavily against soda taxes nationwide, doesn’t see a movement. Spokeswoman Lauren Kane said that 43 soda tax proposals have been rejected since 2008.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Trump’s Cabinet Nominees Make Clear Harsher Policies Near

Washington, the responses of Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees for the Department of Justice and Homeland Security, during their Senate hearings, reflected harsher immigration and civil rights policies around the corner. This generated a new wave of concern among activist and immigrants. c José López Zamorano reports from Capitol Hill.

Posted in Homepage Featur, Immigration, Politics |

Republicans Take First Steps toward Repealing Obamacare

This week the 115th Congress began sessions among mutual expressions of collaboration between the Republican majority and the Democratic minority. But the climate of bipartisanism was short-lived.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Electoral College Votes.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 19 PROGRAM # 7956 12:00 PM PST. Electoral College Votes. On this day, Electors meet to cast their ballot for President and Vice President of the US. Hillary Clinton won almost 3 million more votes than Donald Trump in the popular count, but lost the election because of the Electoral College system. Millions […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Se preparan ciudades para resistir las amenazas de Trump sobre la inmigración

(Español) “La gente puede sentirse amenazada por lo que oyen… Protegeremos a nuestras comunidades ya nuestras familias para que puedan continuar viviendo libres de temor y seguridad en nuestras comunidades”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Simpatía y apoyo a inmigrantes, tras arteras agresiones luego de la elección

Some Solidarity with Immigrants After Post-Election Aggression – After the election, there was a rise in the number of hate crimes all over the country. Even in California, where Donald Trump was defeated by a wide margin, there have been attacks motivated by hate against immigrants.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Se prepara red de apoyo a los inmigrantes indocumentados para prevenir otro efecto Trump

(Español) “Si su ciudad ya no es segura, declárela una ciudad santuario. Y si es así, comprometerse a hacer todo lo que esté a su alcance para mantener su estatus de santuario y proteger a sus residentes indocumentados de una administración de Trump”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

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