Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Comienza formalmente la transición de Biden-Harris a la presidencia

(Español) Sin embargo, el presidente Trump no cedió y prometió continuar su lucha en la corte. Pero hoy Biden presentó una selección amplia aunque parcial de las personas que formarán parte de su gabinete

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) La frágil democracia estadunidense

(Español) En esta Semana de Acción de Gracias en medio de la pandemia, habría que dar gracias porque la democracia estadunidense parece que sobrevivirá a esta intentona de Trump de subvertir los resultados electorales. Pero habrá que hacerlo sin olvidar cómo las acciones de Trump han revelado la fragilidad de esta democracia.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Liberales pensaron que una coalición multirracial ayudaría a pasar la Proposición 16

(Español) En California, “las arenas del cambio soplan en distintas direcciones”, dice la candidata republicana del condado de Orange, Michelle Steel, que es coreana-estadunidense y se manifestó en contra de la Proposición 16.

Posted in Education, Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*Hostile Blockade of the Presidential Transition
*Georgia Continues Counting Votes and Prepares to Decide Control of the US Senate
*Will the Election Case Go to the Supreme Court?

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Will the Election Case Go to the Supreme Court?

Seeking to reverse his defeat at the polls, President Trump appealed to the courts in an attempt to take his case all the way to the Supreme Court.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Hostile Blockade of the Presidential Transition

Despite losing the popular vote by more than five million and lagging far behind in the Electoral College, President Trump refuses to accept his defeat

Posted in Weekly Edition, Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 PROGRAM #9083 12:00 PM PST Immigration Edition. Immigrants and Latino voters played a key role in this historic election and immigration reform was very much in their minds. Leading advocates comment on the role current nativist immigration policies played on Trump’s downfall in the popular vote. They comment on the message from […]

Posted in Elections, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

The Election: Legal Battles, Historic Turnout.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9 PROGRAM #9081 12:00 PM PST The Election: Legal Battles, Historic Turnout. The Trump campaign is moving to contest the outcome of the election through recounts and legal challenges. Can these court battles delay the results? What are the scenarios for the upcoming days? On another story, in Nevada, a leading organizer explains […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9076 2:00 PM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the ballot […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9075 1:00 PM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the ballot […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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