Search Results for: voto latino

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9074 12:00 PM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the ballot […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9073   11:00 AM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ben Ray Lújan es nuevo senador de Nuevo México

(Español) Desde sus comienzos, el mensaje central de su campaña siempre apuntó a los problemas de las familias trabajadoras para poner comida sobre la mesa; expandir la atención médica asequible, y crear buenos empleos así como atraer inversiones al estado.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Election Day: Hour 2.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 PROGRAM #9070 12:00 PM PT Election Day: Hour 2. On today’s historic election, millions go to the polls to finally cast their vote in person amid emergency measures to protect against a global pandemic. Reporters calling from key battleground states give accounts about the voter turnout, efforts to protect the vote by […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Election Day: Hour 1.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 PROGRAM #9069 11:00 AM PT Election Day: Hour 1. On today’s historic election, millions go to the polls to finally cast their vote in person amid emergency measures to protect against a global pandemic. Reporters calling from key battleground states give accounts about the voter turnout, efforts to protect the vote by […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Election Eve.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 PROGRAM #9068 12:00 PM PT Election Eve. Reporters in key swing states brings news about the closing messages of the presidential campaigns, the battle for the US Senate, the Latino races to watch and the final push to get the vote out. Guests: David Ayon, Research Associate & Lecturer, Institute of Governmental […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Largas filas de votantes por anticipado reflejan un levantamiento electoral

(Español) “Que lleven su boleta que recibieron por correo, a un buzón, o llevarla uno mismo a la Oficina de Correos mejor, para que seguro vaya a llegar a tiempo y sea contada”.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Extra Edition: Voting in the Valley.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23 PROGRAM #9055 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Voting in the Valley. A congressional district in California’s Central Valley, CD-21, where residents are younger and poorer and mostly Latino, is one of the five lowest voting districts in the country. Two years ago, a crucial race was decided by a few hundred votes. […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ganar la presidencia será con votantes de una docena de estados ‘campos de batalla’

(Español) El electorado ha cambiado demográficamente. Latinos y demócratas en estados ‘campos de batalla’ desafían la supresión del voto haciendo largas filas para votar.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Edition)

*Barrett Evades Questions About Health Care and Abortion in Confirmation Hearings
*Anger at Trump Motivates Activism Among Young Arizona Latinos
*Voter Gives Account on Historic Day of Early Voting in Texas

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

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