Search Results for: latinos y el censo 2020

(Español) Pregunta de ciudadanía en el Censo del 2020 con potenciales consecuencias dramáticas

(Español) “Estamos tratando de invertir fondos estatales y locales, junto con el sector privado y el no lucrativo para agregar enumeradores que puedan ayudar”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Latino State of Census. Also, Fifth Migrant Child Dies in Detention.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 PROGRAM # 8612 12:00 PM PT Latino State of Census. The National Latino Commission on Census 2020 is releasing today a new report on the state of the census for Latinos, in which they warn that the census is in serious peril, and give recommendations, asking Congress to intervene and eliminate the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) La pregunta de ciudadanía en el Censo 2020 peligrosa trampa de exclusión

(Español) La Oficina del Censo está legalmente obligada a mantener las respuestas confidenciales, incluso del FBI y otras entidades gubernamentales. sobre datos que identifiquen a una persona. Pero las agencias federales y los investigadores pueden solicitar información del censo sobre grupos específicos de población.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Supreme Court Weighs Citizenship Question on 2020 Census

At the request of the Trump administration, the U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to decide on the legality of including a question about citizenship in the 2020 census. A federal judge blocked the question, dismissing it as “arbitrary and capricious.”

Posted in Weekly Edition, Homepage Feature, Politics |

The Census Count: “Street Race.”

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 PROGRAM # 8548 12:00 PM PT The Census Count: “Street Race.” The Census Bureau announced it will continue asking questions on Hispanic origin and race separate for the 2020 Census count, despite efforts to have those questions combined to get more reliable data. Supporters of the separate questions maintain it is necessary […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Projections for 2019.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2 PROGRAM # 8512 12:00 PM PT Projections for 2019. News reporters and analysts start the New Year by discussing the news developments to expect during 2019. Among the news to watch are the new US Congress, the presidential campaigns, the widespread concerns about the 2020 Census questions and the risk of undercounting […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Movilización de electores restaura derecho a voto a millón y medio de expresos en Florida

(Español) “Fue una combinación de sentimientos de agradecimiento, de optimismo, de alegría, de futuro, de visión, de mejoras, ¡y luz al final del camino!”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Midterms Spotlight Rising Latino Power

And in what might be taken as a preview of the future of the LAtino vote with respect to the GOP, the startling results in Reagan country moved L.A. Times columnist Gustavo Arellano to write a piece titled “An Obituary for Od Orange County, Dead at Age 129.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

We present a summary of this and other headlines from the 2018 mid-term elections

In California, Democrats swept the Republican Party in races ranging from the governorship and the state legislature to the U.S. Congress.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) La inversión en el voto latino debe ser constante: NALEO

(Español) “La crisis de los medios en español tiene serias consecuencias. En NALEO siempre hemos tenido colaboraciones con medios nacionales, pero cada vez que nos acercamos para hacer programas como hacíamos antes, nos dicen que les encantaría, pero que tienen que recaudar fondos para esos programas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

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