Search Results for: latinos y el censo 2020

Young People in California Promote the 2020 Census

A few days after the federal government abandoned its bid to include a citizenship question on the census, a group of enthusiastic young people toured one of the poorest areas of Los Angeles to spread the word and expand its network of volunteers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

Trump Administration drops the citizenship question from Census 2020

Backed against a corner by the courts, the government settled for checking citizenship from other databases, a pathway they had rejected before.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Inmigrantes cambian el foco de la narrativa sobre la pregunta de ciudadanía en el censo

(Español) “Continuaremos vigilantes acerca de esta administración y continuaremos listos para contraatacar porque en el centro de esta conversación está realmente quién es el propietario de nuestra democracia y quién puede participar en ella”: United We Dream.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Trump Administration Announces Census Will Not Include Citizenship Question, then Backtracks

The 2020 Census will not include a question on citizenship, according to Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, who added that the questionnaires are going to the printer without the question.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Mayors See Census as Game Changer

“In the 1990 census, the San Joaquin Valley had one of the largest undercounts in the country,” Flores said. Among the hard-to-count groups are “complex” families, large families, young mothers with children up to 5 years old and immigrants, he explained.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

(Español) Desiste el Departamento de Justicia incluir la pregunta de ciudadanía al censo

(Español) “Las mentiras de Ross eliminarían en tribunalesa la inclusión de la pregunta de ciudadanía en el censo, viola principios básicos de igualdad y protección de la Constitución”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Arranca primer debate por la nominación como candidato demócrata en 2020

(Español) “Julián Castro le puso el cascabel al gato con la criminalización del cruce fronterizo… y lanzó un desafío para sumarse a su plan de derogar la sección 1325 del Título 8″.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

They manage to encourage Latinos to make themselves count

A few days after the Supreme Court ruled on whether or not to include the question of citizenship in the 2020 Census, another serious problem is the lack of resources.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Battle on the Census. Also, Curbing Police Violence.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19 PROGRAM # 8632 12:00 PM PT Battle on the Census. A House committee is holding two cabinet secretaries in contempt of Congress, as Trump invoked executive privilege in an effort to block revealing key documents on the decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. Meantime, the Supreme Court is […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Census in Grave Danger, Latino Leaders Warn

To respond to the problem, the leaders recommended to the U.S. Census Bureau, and to Congress, to eliminate the question of citizenship planned for the questionnaire.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Latest News |

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