Search Results for: contaminacion ambiental

(Español) California no protegió a trabajadores al aire libre del humo de los incendios forestales bajo nuevo jefe de OSHA con Biden

(Español) La mísera aplicación de la ley estatal sobre el humo no es más que el último ejemplo de la lentitud de la agencia a la hora de actuar sobre las normativas que responden a las crisis agravadas por el cambio climático.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Environment, Health, Jobs |

Global Warming Funds in Spending Bill in the Crosshairs

With the infrastructure spending bill passed by Congress, the focus now moves to the social spending package that includes record investments to fight global warming.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Climate Crisis, Infrastructure Bill: Too Expensive? Also, Oil Spill, Oil Drilling and Asthma.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 PROGRAM # 9409 12:00 PM PDT Climate Crisis, Infrastructure Bill: Too Expensive? Congress continues to negotiate the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, a plan dismissed by some as an expensive “social spending” bill and lauded by many as a transformational investment in the nation’s families, education, and response to the disasters of the […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

Noticiero Latino: Condado de Tulare emite orden de evacuación + Mala calidad del aire en partes del Valle Central + Humo, las cenizas y partículas incendios forestales afectan la salud

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Boletín de alerta sobre calidad del aire en Valle Central de California + Dr. Anthony Fauci rechaza que inmigrantes causen ola de Covid 19 + Pruebas Covid a 5 dólares en 15 minutos

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Alertan sobre la peligrosa calidad del aire que se respira en el Valle de San Joaquín

(Español) Debido a los incendios que arrasan los bosques de la zona serrana, las ciudades del Valle de San Joaquín están en Alerta Roja por su Índice de Calidad del Aire, que actualmente se ubica entre 150 y 200.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Denuncian que pesticida neurotóxico afecta particularmente a niños y Latinx en EE UU

(Español) “Durante años las compañías químicas como Dow han engañado y persuadido a la EPA para que se apoye en estudios de bajo rigor científico y mantenga en el mercado pesticidas dañinos, incluido el clorpirifós”, dice Earthjusice.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Advances Haltingly

President Biden has announced a bipartisan agreement on a limited-scope infrastructure plan. In response, progressive Democrats are asking for guarantees that Democrats pass investments in Medicare, child care, college access and immigration reform.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Pioneering Washington State Law Gives a Voice to Communities Suffering from Pollution

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee recently signed the landmark Healthy Environment for All Act (HEAL), which instructs several of his agencies to reduce the environmental disparities that disproportionately affect communities of color.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Climate Crisis Summit.

MONDAY, APRIL 26 PROGRAM # 9237 12:00 PM PDT Climate Crisis Summit. As carbon emissions are expected to surge after the pandemic, President Biden pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 percent by 2030. He also called on world leaders joining the climate crisis summit on Earth Day to accelerate their own […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

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