Search Results for: contaminacion ambiental

(Español) El Día de la Tierra convoca Biden a Cumbre Mundial y reducir emisiones al 50% en 2030

(Español) Biden ha mantenido una postura de línea dura hacia la segunda economía más grande del mundo. Una cumbre bilateral en Alaska el mes pasado se convirtió en declaraciones públicamente poco diplomáticas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Biden Infrastructure Plan.

MONDAY, APRIL 12 PROGRAM # 9223 12:00 PM PDT Biden Infrastructure Plan. Announcing it as a jobs bill, President Biden put forward a giant infrastructure plan for a massive overhaul of corporate taxes that would raise 2 trillion to help fix roads and bridges, as well as create clean water programs, high-speed internet, and the […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Develará Biden multibillonario plan de reconstrucción de trabajos e infraestructura

(Español) Bernie Sanders quiere que Biden reduzca la edad de elegibilidad para Medicar, de 65 a 60 años, y que amplíe beneficios a personas mayores, para incluir atención dental, de la vista y audífonos. Lo que podrían pagarse permitiendo que el gobierno federal negocie por medicamentos recetados de menor precio.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health, Jobs |

Cleaner Cars. Also, Unemployed and Burned Out.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 PROGRAM # 9170 12:00 PM PST Cleaner Cars. Environmental justice groups are calling on the Biden-Harris administration to take swift action on tailpipe pollution in communities of color. Latinos and Blacks live in neighborhoods next to highways and in “diesel death zones,” and toxic pollution from cars and trucks takes the lives […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Climate Change and Anti-Racism Action.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 PROGRAM # 9159 12:00 PM PST Climate Change and Anti-Racism Action. Joe Biden is placing environmental justice in the front burner of his bold climate change plan, creating a new White House council on environmental justice. Cecilia Martínez, a long-time critic of racism and injustice, was chosen to lead the team. Guest […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Time is Running Out on Exide Cleanup.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 PROGRAM #9042 12:00 PM PT Time is Running Out on Exide Cleanup. As the California state agency in charge of cleaning up lead and arsenic contaminated areas in southeast Los Angeles faces complaints of slow progress from neighbors who continue living in toxic homes, state lawmakers continue seeking a compliance audit and […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

New Plan Sought for Major Lead Clean-up in Los Angeles Neighborhoods

After thousands of homes in southeastern Los Angeles were contaminated with toxic lead dust from the Exide Technologies battery recycling plant, the state government responded with what it called the largest environmental cleanup operation in California’s history.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

(Español) Ordena Newsom vehículos de cero emsiones para 2035 y prohibir el fracking en CA

(Español) Para proteger la salud y la seguridad de nuestras comunidades y trabajadores, el Estado debe centrarse en los impactos de la extracción de petróleo a medida que se aleja de los combustibles fósiles, trabajando para poner fin a la emisión de nuevos permisos de fracturamiento hidráulico para el 2024.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Battling Historic Mega Fires.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 PROGRAM #9005 12:00 PM PT Battling Historic Mega Fires. The unprecedented wildfires raging through 13 western states in the US, have burned more than five million acres, including small towns, forced the evacuation of hundreds of thousands, and are putting millions at risk of inhaling toxic smoke far beyond the fires. The […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health |

Clean Energy Jobs Hit Hard by Pandemic. Also, Climate Crisis Endangers Workers Health.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 PROGRAM # 9001 12:00 PM PT Clean Energy Jobs Hit Hard by Pandemic. Latinos are among the hardest hit by the loss of jobs and they are at risk of losing more jobs in the second wave of firings due to the coronavirus crisis. One industry where Latinos had made inroads and […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Health, Jobs |

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