Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Entre cuidados por el coronavirus gana Joe Biden primarias demócratas

(Español) “La emergencia expone la increíble debilidad y disfuncionalidad de nuestro sistema de salud. No estamos preparados y el presidente Trump sólo exacerba la crisis”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Health |

Primary Elections Results.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18 PROGRAM # 8833 12:00 PM PT Primary Elections Results. Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed crushing victories in the Democratic presidential primaries in Arizona, Illinois and Florida, gaining a 300-delegate lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders. Ohio postponed today’s primaries, citing the coronavirus public health emergency. Analysts give their opinion on the levels […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Day of Primaries.

TUESDAY, MARCH 17 PROGRAM # 8832 12:00 PM PT Day of Primaries. With efforts to keep voters safe at the polls, Arizona, Florida, and Illinois hold primaries today, in an ambience of fear and restrictions due to the coronavirus outbreak. Ohio postponed its presidential primary to June citing the public health emergency. The Democratic race […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*After Super Tuesday, Democratic Primaries Become a Contest Between Two
*With Strong Turnout, Latinos Hand Bernie Sanders a Victory in California
*Biden Wins in Texas, Where Voters Face Delays

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) El ‘gigante dormido’ despierta, de cara al 2020

(Español) En El Paso, McAllen y San Antonio la participación en la mayoría de las comunidades latinas aumentó desde 2016 y “los votantes latinos constituyeron un tercio del electorado en el estado”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Supermartes de supersorpresas

Curiosamente la lucha es personificada ahora por dos hombres blancos que rozan los 80 años de edad, Biden y Sanders, quienes no exactamente reflejan el reclamo de juventud, diversidad de género y étnica por las que tanto abogan los sectores más progresistas.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Súper Martes, de pronóstico reservado, con importante participación latina en California y Texas

(Español) la proporción de todos los votantes de California que son latinos creció al 21.2% en 2018, “aproximadamente seis puntos porcentuales más que en 2014. Eso casi iguala el 22.6 por ciento de los votantes latinos en las elecciones presidenciales de 2016″.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Super Tuesday: The Hopefuls.

MONDAY, MARCH 2 PROGRAM # 8816 11:00 AM PT Super Tuesday: The Hopefuls. While Bernie Sanders emerges as the favorite for Super Tuesday’s contests and Joe Biden tries to ride the wave of his victory in South Carolina, three presidential candidates drop out of the race. Surrogates and spokespersons for leading presidential Democratic candidates join […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Super Tuesday: The Hopefuls.

MONDAY, MARCH 2 PROGRAM # 8815 10:00 AM PT Super Tuesday: The Hopefuls. While Bernie Sanders emerges as the favorite for Super Tuesday’s contests and Joe Biden tries to ride the wave of his victory in South Carolina, three presidential candidates drop out of the race. Surrogates and spokespersons for the remaining leading presidential Democratic […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*California and the Nation Raise Alarm on Coronavirus
*Latino Voters Choose Winner in Nevada and Aim for Super Tuesday
*Musicians Keep Alive Old Traditions of “Delivering Newlyweds” in the Rio Grande del Norte Region

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

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