Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Arranca Día de Registro del Votante

(Español) No espere hasta el último minuto, regístrese para votar ahora o vuelva a verificar su registro y confirme que es elegible para votar el día de las elecciones. Y recuerde el derecho al voto otorga el más fuerte poder constitucional como ciudadano. Y si ya se registró, ¡recuerde a sus amigos y familiares que hagan lo mismo!

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Roadmap to the Elections.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 PROGRAM # 9003 12:00 PM PT Roadmap to the Elections. Political analysts comment on top issues in battleground states for the presidential election. Voter registration is up in recent months but who is registering? A leading voter champion reports about record numbers of registration among young citizens and new efforts targeting Arizona […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Democratic National Convention: Day 3.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19 PROGRAM # 8980 12:00 PM PT Democratic National Convention: Day 3. Today, Sen. Kamala Harris accepts the nomination for vice president. In this session, Democrats bring together speakers from the left and mainstream of the party, as well as conservative Republicans. They also bring leaders from the party’s old guard along with […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Democratic National Convention: Day 2.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 18 PROGRAM # 8979 12:00 PM PT Democratic National Convention: Day 2. With the slogan “Uniting America,” Democrats meet in Milwaukee for the second day of a virtual convention. Guest commentators discuss the absence of former presidential candidate Julián Castro from the list of speakers, the electoral ramifications of the renewed efforts to […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Pandemia obliga a cambiar las Convenciones de nominación presidencial

(Español) “Yo he estado en las últimas 4 Convenciones de los últimos 20 años y es un lugar donde está lleno de gente”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) De las calles a las urnas, una marcha urgente

(Español) “Cada 30 segundos una persona llega a los 18 años de edad… un millón de personas que son latinos podrá votar cada año”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Voting Disaster in Georgia.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 PROGRAM # 8918 12:00 PM PT Voting Disaster in Georgia. Five states held primaries last week, and Georgia captured the national headlines for being the scene of a voting disaster, largely in Black and Latino areas. The election was plagued by voting problems, such as long lines and broken voting machines, in […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) La unidad racial en manos de un supremacista

(Español) Un discurso sobre unidad y relaciones raciales a cargo de Miller es una burla a la seriedad del triste y urgente estado de emergencia de la interacción racial en esta nación. Es una bofetada y un acto de provocación, pues es decir que pase lo que pase y proteste quien proteste, la supremacía blanca prevalece.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Senate Puts New Economic Aid Package on Hold

Senate Puts New Economic Aid Package on Hold – The HEROES Act was greeted with a bucket of cold water by Senate Republicans after it was approved by the Democratic majority in the House.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) A través de deportaciones Estados Unidos exporta el coronavirus a América Latina

(Español) “Hay que combinar estas tres áreas de lucha: Protesta Social, el Pleito Legal en las Cortes, y las Elecciones de Noviembre, para imponer un nuevo orden”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

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