Search Results for: separacion de ninos de sus padres

After Failure of Immigration Deal, Family Reunification Sought

For the second time in a week, House Republicans failed in their bid to approve an immigration plan, this time a version called an immigration “compromise.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Criticisms of Prison Contracts to Detain Immigrant Children

Amid a wave of national outrage over the policy of detaining and separating immigrant children from their parents, community groups and political leaders in Houston are denouncing the policy as political maneuvering and a source of profit for prison companies.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Breviarios, últimas noticias con lo más sobresaliente de hoy

(Español) Gobiernos locales de todo Estados Unidos están comenzando a romper vínculos lucrativos con entidades federales de Inmigración, en medio de una creciente incomodidad con las políticas de cero tolerancia de la administración Trump.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Defendants In Diapers? Immigrant Toddlers Ordered To Appear In Court Alone

(Español) “A veces es difícil hasta para los adultos. Van a la corte y se ponen nerviosos ante un juez”, dijo Milian. “¿Puedes imaginar a un niño teniendo que comparecer ante un juez y explicarle por qué tienen que huir de su país?”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Juez federal da al gobierno de 14 a 30 días para reunir a niños con sus padres separados en la frontera

(Español) “La desafortunada realidad es que bajo el sistema actual los niños migrantes no son contabilizados con la misma eficiencia y precisión que la propiedad. Ciertamente, eso no puede satisfacer los requisitos del debido proceso”, escribió Sabraw.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JUNE 26 PROGRAM # 8367 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. As the Trump administration replaces its policy of family separation with an order to incarcerate children with parents and protests continue around the country, House Republicans move to vote on a Republican-only immigration bill that gives Trump 25 billion for the border wall and […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Prominentes defensores de derechos humanos de México visitan hoy Fresno

(Español) “Hablarán de la actual crisis humanitaria en la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México, la política de detención indefinida de niños y padres que buscan asilo y los esfuerzos para lograr que los mexicanos vivan en México”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Trump Orders Children to be Detained with Parents

Amid intense public outcry both nationally and internationally, President Trump reversed his policy of separating immigrant children from their parents at the border.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Firmó Trump orden contra separación familiar en la frontera, pero la política de Cero Tolerancia sigue en pie

(Español) Las familias serán apresadas juntas ahora, con la nueva orden ejecutiva, pero no reunifica a los niños presos con sus padres.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

1 In 5 Immigrant Children Detained During ‘Zero Tolerance’ Border Policy Are Under 13

“It’s significantly challenging to create that capacity, and quite expensive,” noted Robert Carey, a former ORR director from the Obama administration. “All the aspects of care are dramatically different based on age. … You need people who are trained in early childhood development or care.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

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