Search Results for: trabajadores agricolas

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, MARCH 24 PROGRAM # 8025 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Two years after the labor strike of agricultural workers in Baja California, San Quintin, day laborers managed to form a national union and now are negotiating with Mexican authorities the integration of a collective labor agreement, with minimum wage of 300 pesos and affiliation […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Farmworker Champion. Also, “Tell me your Name.”

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 PROGRAM # 8001 12:00 PM PST. Farmworker Champion. Leading filmmaker and TV and music producer David Damian Figueroa is being honored this week with the Dolores Huerta Award for his work championing the rights of farmworkers through the arts. As a publicity artist, he helped grow the career of music greats like […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

‘‘Tsunami’ of Alzheimer’s Cases Among Latinos Raises Concerns Over Costs, Caregiving

The number of U.S. Latinos with the memory-robbing disease is expected to rise more than eightfold by 2060, to 3.5 million.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Premian a Radio Bilingüe en México, por 40 años de Radio Pública en español en EU

(Español) Radio Educación, órgano desconcentrado de la Secretaría de Cultura en México reconoce en Radio Bilingüe su contribución y decidido trabajo en favor de los derechos humanos y la dignidad de los mexicanos en Estados Unidos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |

(Español) El mito de la deportación masiva en pesos y centavos

(Español) Haciendo un cálculo conservador, dice el estudio, “la pérdida de ingresos anuales sería de al menos 50 mil millones de dólares cada año”, lo que “acumularía unos 860 mil millones de dólares en una década”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

“America’s Social Arsonist.” Also, The Equinox and Aztlan.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 PROGRAM # 7885 12:00 PM PT “America’s Social Arsonist.” A conversation with the author of the first biography of Fred Ross, an unsung pioneer considered one of the most influential community organizers in US history. After working with Dust Bowl migrants and helping release interned Japanese Americans, Ross went on to wage […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Safety on The Farms

Monterey County Agricultual Comissioner and Farmworker Advisory Committee announce historic pesticide initiative. Guests: Teo Gonzalez, Chief Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Monterey County Office of the Agriculture Commissioner & Joel Hernandez, Maria Guadalupe Nuñez and Maria Elena Andrade from Center for Community Advocacy and Teo Gonzalez, from Monterey County Agricultural Commission.

Posted in Placita Bilingüe |

California doesn’t just have a water crisis. It has a human crisis.

California’s Community Water Center reports that water systems serving predominantly Latino and low-income communities have disproportionately high occurrences of arsenic and nitrate contamination, and that many low-income residents in affected areas are paying up to 10 percent of their monthly income to purchase clean, safe water.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Foro en Fresno sobre las lecciones de la historia para el futuro de la agricultura

(Español) Este tramo comienza luego de una larga lucha contra la explotación de los patrones, los paros de labores y la indefensión de los derechos laborales de los campesinos, considerados entonces como “los hombres y las mujeres olvidados por la economía”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) ¿Cómo va el plan de atención médica a niños indocumentados de CA, en su cuarto mes?

(Español) Hay comunidades que también tienen miedo de que si hay una posibilidad si inscriben a este programa, si luego los puede impactar en el futuro…

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health |

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