Search Results for: trabajadores agricolas

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 PROGRAM # 8197 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Almost a year after the failed attempt of eviction against the inhabitants of the town of Salaverna, in Zacatecas, the mining company called Frisco Tayahua, owned by the Mexican businessman Carlos Slim, has not been able to prove in the agrarian courts that it […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Hurricane Irma’s Aftermath: Hunger in the Fields. Also, Permaculture in Baja California.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 PROGRAM # 8156 12:00 PM PST. Hurricane Irma’s Aftermath: Hunger in the Fields. A week after powerful Hurricane Irma hit Florida, thousands of residents in the most impoverished farm working communities are struggling to get food, bottled water and gas. In the farming town of Immokalee, many families were left homeless when […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Death of Blueberry Farm Worker Sparks Unusual Protests

The death in Washington state of blueberry picker Honesto Silva Ibarra continues to spur outcry among his coworkers, all Mexicans hired through the temporary H2A work visa.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Paro laboral en cultivo de la mora por muerte prevenible de un trabajador

(Español) La compañía que contrató a los trabajadores en Washington, desde su sede en Delano, California, Munger Farms controla unas de las mayores plantaciones de mora azul en el mundo.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Youth in Low-Income Community Get a Modern Skate Park

A group of young people from rural working-class families achieved their dream of getting a skate park, which now opened after two years of fundraising and lobbying efforts. The modern skate park is now the centerpiece of a new sports and recreation center for young people in Arvin, a farm working town of California’s Central Valley.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth |

Migrant Day Laborers Achieve Historic Deal in Washington State

After four years of disputes and strikes, a group of unionized farmworkers in Washington State won a contract agreement this week with the agriculture firm Sakuma Brothers Farms.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Donald Trump contra la ciencia

(Español) “El dinero es la ley aquí”, dijo. “Él y otros activistas están presionando al gobierno de California para que sea un líder nacional en la resistencia a Trump, y por la prohibición de los cloropirifos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

Remembering a Trailblazer.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 PROGRAM # 8040 12:00 PM PST. Remembering a Trailblazer. Judge Armando Rodríguez, an influential figure in the San Joaquin Valley and California and a trailblazer in Chicano politics, died this week. In the 1960s, he began his career as a lawyer for a legal aid agency for farmworkers and was a leading […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Plática con Baldemar Velásquez, dirigente de la FLOC

(Español) “No va a ser diferente de la era de Reagan y otros presidentes conservadores. Trump, pues le da ánimo a los racistas. Ahora están saliendo de una manera abierta, antes estaban escondidos.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Slavery in the Fields on Prime Time TV.

THURSDAY, MARCH 30 PROGRAM # 8031 12:00 PM PT Slavery in the Fields on Prime Time TV. In its third season on the ABC network, the award-winning drama TV series “American Crime” tells the story of undocumented Mexican workers who suffer exploitation and abuse in a modern-day slavery system in fictional Hesby Farms, in the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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