Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Los nacidos después de 1980 son casi la mitad del electorado latino en 2016: Pew

(Español) Repasando las lecciones históricas de las últimas victorias electorales tanto de republicanos como de demócratas, en las elecciones de 2004 George W. Bush logró un 40% del voto latino, mientras que el demócrata Barack Obama alcanzó el 71% de este electorado en 2012.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Supreme Court Considers Case That Would Change “One Person, One Vote”

The proposal attempts to exclude permanent residents, undocumented immigrants and children from the population count, when deciding the lines of state and municipal electoral districts. José López Zamorano reports that legislators and activists are concerned that Latino communities would be primarily put at a disadvantage.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Hermanos Koch lanzan iniciativa “Libre”, con vacunas y pavos gratis a cambio del voto

(Español) Libre, un esfuerzo millonario financiado por los multimillonarios hermanos conservadores Koch, dedicado a ganarse a los latinos con el mensaje de que los principios de libertad económica y de un gobierno más pequeño les darán oportunidad y prosperidad.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

The Small Business Vote.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7. PROGRAM # 7625 12:00 PM PT The Small Business Vote. The economy of the middle class has been declining in the last decades. How is the middle class discontent impacting the agenda of the presidential campaigns? As candidates court the small-business vote, analysts from different political perspectives comment on key issues for […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) ¿Motor para registrar y movilizar votantes latinos?

(Español) Trump, para bien de los demócratas y para mal del Partido Republicano, se ha convertido en el rostro de esa colectividad ante la comunidad hispana.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Voting Rights Act at 50.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 6. PROGRAM # 7581 12:00 PM PT Voting Rights Act at 50. On the day marking the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, which included landmark protections against voting discrimination on the basis of race or language, we bring a conversation with a pioneering legislator who four decades ago broke ground as […]

Posted in Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

One Person One Vote.

MONDAY, JULY 20. PROGRAM # 7568 12:00 PM PT One Person One Vote. The U.S. Supreme Court has decided to hear a challenge by conservatives in Texas against the principle of “one person, one vote.” In question is whether the Constitution requires only the counting of voters, not all people for drawing state and local […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Latino Activists Call for Apology from Donald Trump

A few weeks after the controversial declarations by multimillionaire magnate and presidential candidate Donald Trump, saying Mexican immigrants are rapists and criminals, the Republican Party is working urgently to repair the new damage to its image among Latino voters.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Republicans Sweep Elections: Where Were Latinos?

Some analysts say it is time for both parties to take charge of matters crucial to Latinos if they want their vote in the 2016 presidential elections. José López Zamorano reports from the nation’s capital.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Latest News |

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