Search Results for: voto latino

Latinos on Criminal Justice. Also, Tackling Racial Bias in Policing.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 11 PROGRAM # 8241 12:00 PM PT Latinos on Criminal Justice. National Latino leaders release the results of a new public opinion survey among Latinos on the issue of criminal justice reform. Several Latino groups are becoming major players in the national debate on issues of crime and punishment. Is it time for […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Virginia Election: The Latino Factor. Also, Attacks on Healthcare Markets.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26 PROGRAM # 8186 12:00 PM PT Virginia Election: The Latino Factor. As the governor race in Virginia is heating up, Latino groups charge the Republican candidate with resorting to race-baiting attacks. Campaign ads are tying gangs and crime to immigration and to his Democratic opponent. The election in Virginia, a swing state, […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

2020 Census At Risk. Also, A New “Poll Tax”? Also, Arpaio’s Pardon and Hurricane Harvey.

MONDAY, AUGUST 28 PROGRAM # 8141 12:00 PM PST. 2020 Census At Risk. Civil rights leaders are drawing attention to the current leadership vacuum and lack of adequate funds for the 2020 Census. This season, hard-to-count communities face added challenges, including the current climate of heightened fear among immigrant communities, and still, the Trump administration […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Senate Republicans Delay Vote on Health Care Bill.

THURSDAY, JUNE 29 PROGRAM # 8099 12:00 PM PT Senate Republicans Delay Vote on Health Care Bill. Republican Senate leaders postpone a vote on the controversial health care bill until after the July 4 recess. Republican senators from states that rely heavily on Medicaid are mounting opposition, after congressional budget analysts estimated 22 million people […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Latinos and the Senate’s Health Bill.

MONDAY, JUNE 26 PROGRAM # 8096 12:00 PM PST. Latinos and the Senate’s Health Bill. The just-released Senate Republicans’ health care bill, designed to repeal the Affordable Care Act, proposes deeper cuts to Medicaid and tax cuts for the rich, as well as the end of the individual mandate and some subsidies for those who […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

A Commission to Clean Up Voting or Suppress the Vote?

President Trump has ordered the creation of a high-level commission to examine electoral fraud, which he says was committed by millions around the US. According to an announcement by the White House, the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity aims to clean up the electoral system, eliminating practices that could lead to fraud in voting and the voter rolls.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Rechaza la Suprema reactivar ley que restringe el voto en Carolina del Norte

(Español) La referida ley, promulgada por la legislatura estatal en 2013, ha impuesto restricciones como las largas filas de espera para la votación e incluyó los nuevos requisitos de identificación de votación.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Lay ley de ID del votante fue creada para discriminar a negros y latinos: juez federal

(Español) En los documentos de la corte que se sometieron a la jueza Ramos y en varias audiencias los demandantes sostienen además que “el verdadero propósito de la ley era ayudar a los republicanos a mantener su control sobre el poder en medio del rápido crecimiento de los votantes negros y latinos”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Distritos manipulados y leyes electorales amañadas suprimen el voto de las minorías

(Español) Esta no es la primera, ni va a ser la última vez que ocurre. Dibujar los mapas distritales tiene la intensión de excluir a negros y latinos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Vote Supression, Voter Turnout.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 PROGRAM # 8035 12:00 PM PST. Vote Supression, Voter Turnout. Texas intentionally discriminated against black and Latino voters when it redrew the map of congressional districts in 2011. That’s what three federal judges found, in a decision that may have profound state and national repercussions. The judges said Texas’ map dilutes the […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

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