Search Results for: sequia

(Español) Sequía que azota el suroeste de EE UU, la peor en 1,200 años… en parte por el cambio climático

(Español) Son tiempos básicamente sin precedentes, en relación con todo lo que se ha visto en los últimos cientos de años… y a medida que las actividades humanas continúan arrojando gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera, las temperaturas aumentan en general.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

Extra Edition: Repeat Program. Drought and Corporate Water Abuse. Also, Emergency Alerts in Spanish.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 6 PROGRAM # 9494 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Repeat Program. Drought and Corporate Water Abuse. A drier and warmer winter is in the forecast for the Pacific Southwest, which means that the two-year drought will continue affecting the region. As farmers drill deeper wells and deplete groundwater, California is preparing for more […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Sequía amenaza a California mientras el gobierno auncia cero asignaciones de agua

(Español) “El agua potable utilizada por la industria del petróleo y el gas podría llegar a dar miles de billones de galones a las familias que la necesitan en sus hogares… El agua es un derecho humano”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Environment, Politics |

Drought and Corporate Water Abuse.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15 PROGRAM # 9472 12:00 PM PDT Drought and Corporate Water Abuse. A drier and warmer winter is in the forecast for the Pacific Southwest, which means that the two-year drought will continue affecting the region. As farmers drill deeper wells and deplete groundwater, California is preparing for more water restrictions and cutting […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Drought Continues in California, Hitting Small Farmers Hard

Despite the heavy rains of the atmospheric river that flooded California in recent weeks, the drought that has afflicted the state for years is still going. According to forecasts, there will not be much more rain for the rest of the season and water shortages will continue.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Jobs |

(Español) Cada vez más cara y profunda el agua para agricultores de California, por la sequía

(Español) Ahora va a perforar un pozo nuevo, que le va costar 60 mil dólares, obtuvo un fondo del gobierno para perforarlo a una profundidad de 120 pies. Su huerto está ubicado enseguida de una corporación grande, que tiene un pozo que alcanza más de mil pies.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

California’s Drought Emergency. Also, California Moves to Ban Oil Wells.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 PROGRAM # 9425 12:00 PM PDT California’s Drought Emergency. As California went through its driest year in almost 100 years, Gov. Newsom expanded the drought emergency to the entire state. With water reservoirs draining and water supplies for major cities drying, the governor asked Californians to do more to save water. What […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

(Español) California declara estado de emergencia y ordena ahorrar el agua por la sequía

(Español) La investigación científica ha demostrado que “el calentamiento del planeta con la quema de combustibles fósiles está intensificando las sequías en Occidente y reduciendo los caudales de los ríos más allá de las disminuciones que hubieran experimentado sin el calentamiento global”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Científico del agua y el clima, Dr. Pablo Ortiz Partida, nos alerta sobre la gravedad de la sequía y nos hace algunas recomendaciones

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Extra Edition: The Drought Emergency.

THURSDAY, JULY 15 PROGRAM # 9318 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: The Drought Emergency. As the heat wave exacerbates the drought across the West, Gov. Newsom in California asked residents to cut their water use by 15% and extended emergency drought declarations to some counties. The nation’s largest water reservoirs in Arizona, California and Nevada […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Environment |

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