Search Results for: Medicaid para todos

(Español) Pasa el senado de madrugada plan de recorte de impuestos

(Español) La cifra que parece haber alcanzado algún consenso sobre la cantidad que este proyecto de recortes de impuestos aumentará al déficit fiscal de Estados Unidos es de alrededor de 1 trillón de dólares. Y el Centro e Política Fiscal estima que el aumento al déficit será de 1.2 trillones de dólares.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Big Gains In Latino Coverage Poised To Slip During Chaotic Enrollment Season

“There are less than 8 percent of Latinos without insurance in the county, but the confusion about what is happening with Obamacare and the fear of immigration problems make people think twice before renewing a health plan or [signing] up their kids for Medicaid or CHIP”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

One Nurse Per 4,000 Pupils = Not The Healthiest Arrangement

Besides building goodwill, nonprofit health systems like John Muir can count their contributions of nurses and free student services toward the “community benefits” they must provide to retain tax-exempt status.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

The Storm Has Passed, But Puerto Rico’s Health Faces Prolonged Recovery

In the short term, patients can function without dialysis, or with limited treatments. But as time goes on, the risk of heart failure and stroke begins to climb.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Congresista republicanos y Trump amenazan al sector salud, activan la alerta roja

(Español) ¿Qué hay que saber sobre este nuevo periodo de inscripción abierta en el mercado de seguros que arranca a el 1 de noviembre y va durante sólo durante un mes?

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Entrenando a nuevos médicos justo en donde se los necesita

(Español) En el Valle Central de California, no hay una escuela de medicina, y los nuevos médicos a menudo evitan el área en favor de los centros urbanos más ricos, donde pueden ganar más dinero.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Open Your Mouth And Say Goo-Goo: Dentists Treating Ever-Younger Patients

A shift in dental guidelines encourages first dental visits for infants as young as 6 months, or when the first baby teeth emerge. That makes some dentists uncomfortable.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Ni Trump ni McConnell renuncian a su insistente búsqueda por derogar ACA

(Español) A los Estados se les daría dinero para establecer sus propias políticas de salud, y es difícil saber quién seguiría cubierto y cómo. En el proyecto de ley Cassidy-Graham, los estados podrían tener dificultades considerables con planes propios de aquí al año 2020, cuando termina cobertura para beneficiarios de Medicaid y ACA.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Move To End DACA Leaves Some Young Immigrants Fearing For Their Health

That coverage is now in question. In California, those at risk of losing Medicaid are 19 and older, because the state under a separate law decided to cover all low-income children, regardless of immigration status, through age 18. That decision was not connected to the DACA program.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Obamacare Repeal Fails: What Now?

MONDAY, JULY 31 PROGRAM # 8121 12:00 PM PST. Obamacare Repeal Fails: What Now? The Obamacare repeal bill failed after a dramatic vote in the US Senate. Why? What does it mean? What’s next? And after threats of cuts to healthcare and Medicaid using the federal budget spending process, what’s the future for the Affordable […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

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