Search Results for: huelga de hambre

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

Sen. Schumer urges Hillary Clinton to run for President Arizona employer-sanctions in immigration law mostly ignored New Yorkers to elect mayor, Democrat ahead Haitian, Jamaican dead from capsized boat off Florida coast are buried California guards retaliating against former hunger strikers, say relatives

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

California legislative hearings to focus on solitary confinement

(Español) .

Se calcula que en las cárceles de California hay 10 mil presos en alguna forma de aislamiento en pequeñas celdas de seguridad, algunos durante décadas.

Posted in Topics, Noticiero Latino, Health |

Pioneer of the Farm Worker Movement Dies

This September 2nd, on Labor Day, Mrs. Jessie de la Cruz (JC), a veteran farmworker organizer and life-time community activist, died. In the 1960s, Jessie was a protagonist of some of the most well-known struggles of the United Farm Workers. This week, hundreds of social leaders and workers gave her a last goodbye. Our executive producer Samuel SO interviewed “Doña Jessie” many times over the years and brings us some of her words.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Rinden último tributo a Jessie de la Cruz, pionera del movimiento campesino

(Español) El pasado dos de septiembre, dia nacional de los trabajadores, murió doña Jessie de la Cruz, veterana organizadora de los trabajadores del campo y activista comunitaria de toda la vida.

Posted in Homepage Feature |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

Thousands gather for 50th anniversary of March on Washington NY march calls for halt to gun violence Santa Fe County issuing same-sex marriage licenses Fake Cuban birth certificates prompt scrutiny by USCIS agents California prison hunger strike hits day 50, judge OKs force feeding

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

Nine Young Activists Who Challenged Immigration Law Spark Admiration and Criticisim

Nine young activists, who had left the country and challenged United States immigration law by coming back across the border and applying for humanitarian visas and asylum, have sparked criticism and admiration. The youth, known as the Dream 9, were detained and sent to a detention center in Arizona. Now they are free and await their day in court to ask for asylum in the U.S. Some have compared the action to the civil disobedience of Rosa Parks during the civil rights movement, while others criticize it as counterproductive. What will the impact of this direct action be on the wider debate on immigration reform? Valeria Fernández has this story from Arizona.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

(Español) Acción de los 9 dreamers reaviva el debate sobre la reforma migratoria

(Español) Dos de los nueve habían sido deportados con anterioridad. Otros cuatro habían salido del país voluntariamente hace tiempo. Los tres restantes vivían en Estados Unidos y tomaron en semanas recientes la decisión de salir del país con el expreso fin de apoyar a los demás.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

California immigration activists blast Rep. Steve King over comments

(Español) Los activistas anunciaron eventos similares en la ciudad de Oakland y Santa Cruz en California, así como en Philadelphia, Jackson, Mississippi, Londres, Inglaterra, Guyana y Alemania.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

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