Search Results for: huelga de hambre

(Español) A un nivel de dos carriles pasa el ayuno de la carpa y se extiende a nivel nacional

(Español) Y agregó que la administración Obama tiene en sus manos administrar las leyes migratorias “de una forma diferente, más humana. “El Congreso es el que tiene que aprobar la reforma, pero el Presidente puede hacer mucho y esa es la discusión que vamos a tener con él”, enfatizó el líder sindical.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

Immigration Reform: The Eleventh Hour.

As Congress gets ready to go on the winter holiday recess, children travel to Capitol Hill to urge for immigration reform and some try unsuccessfully to dialogue with Republican leaders, while farm workers in California launch an 11-day push for reform in front of Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s office and social leaders continue fasting in the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Refuerzan ayuno por la reforma migratoria líderes de fe

(Español) La Red Nacional de PICO y afiliados en los grupos de trabajo, de negocios y de derechos de los inmigrantes continuarán las movilizaciones, orando y ayunando hasta que el Congreso traiga un voto al pleno sobre la ciudadanía, sostienen un comunicado.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

L.A. Archbishop, other leaders join fast for immigration reform

(Español) Hasta la fecha, el líder de la Cámara de Representantes, John Boehner no ha cedido a la presión.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics, Health |

(Español) Anuncian el Día Nacional de Actuar, ayunantes en Washington, DC

(Español) Para aumentar la presión sobre los representantes, John Boehner y el liderazgo republicano de la Cámara baja, con el fin de persuadirlos a votar sobre la reforma migratoria.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Family Members of Victims of Border Patrol Take to the Nation’s Capitol

Family members of victims of violence committed by Border Patrol agents brought their calls for justice to the National Mall in Washington, where they spread out more than 200 handmade quilts in memory of their fathers, mothers, sons and daughters who were killed by excessive use of force. Some families traveled all the way from Mexico with the hope that Congress take matters into their own hands and put an end to more personal tragedies. Our correspondent José López Zamorano reports from the nation’s capital.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Immigration Reform: The Final Hours (special program 2 hrs).

House Speaker John Boehner closed a window of opportunity for the millions of undocumented immigrants by declaring that no formal talks will be held on the Senate-passed bill. Other Republican leaders have said that immigration reform will not pass in 2013. In response, pro-immigrant demonstrators are escalating their protests, from dramatic hunger strikes to street […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Fast for Immigration Reform Outside Capitol Building

In the face of Republicans’ refusal to bring a comprehensive immigration reform bill up for a vote, a few days before the legislative calendar is scheduled to end, community, union and religious leaders started a hunger strike on the National Mall, outside the Capitol Building. Despite low temperatures, the activists say they will continue their fast until they get an affirmative answer from Congress. Our correspondent  José Lopez Zamorano reports from Washington.

Posted in Homepage Feature |

Latino leaders fasting indefinitely for immigration reform

(Español) “Con una imagen de una mano empuñando una antorcha, esta campaña busca que los estadunidenses extiendan su mensaje de solidaridad con la reforma y su presión ante el Congreso”, reporta la prensa local de Nueva York.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Noticiero Latino Daily Edition

Latino leaders fasting indefinitely for immigration reform Border agents sentenced to prison for abusing immigrants Texas study: Latinos value education more than other groups California top scientists ask Gov. Brown to stop fracking Inequality persists for women in Mexico, says UN official

Posted in Noticiero Latino Broadcast |

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