Search Results for: voto latino

(Español) Reformar el sistema de justicia penal, además de necesario, ¡imperativo!

(Español) Las tasas de criminalidad más altas entre las distintas poblaciones, “se explican mejor por factores socioeconómicos que por raza. Vecindarios extremadamente desfavorecidos experimentan tasas más altas de delitos, sin importar la composición racial”, dicen expertos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Guatemala Debates Legislation to Pardon Members of the Military Implicated in Atrocities

This week, Guatemala’s Congress took one of the last steps in approving a controversial amnesty law for military officers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Prison System Reforms for Women Urged at Civil Rights Commission
*Fate of Texas Secretary of State in the Hands of Democratic Lawmakers
*“Roma” Wins Academy Awards, Shining a Spotlight on Domestic Workers

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Prison System Reforms for Women Urged at Civil Rights Commission

In recent decades, women’s incarceration rates have grown faster than those of men in the United States. However, women who are incarcerated receive little attention in discussions of reforms to the criminal justice system.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Fate of Texas Secretary of State in the Hands of Democratic Lawmakers

Controversial Texas Secretary of State David Whitley may soon be out of a job. Appointed late last year, he now lacks enough votes in the Senate to win the nomination. His fate depends on 12 Democratic senators who publicly opposed his confirmation

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Latina Voter in Texas Rejects Attempted Purge from Voting Rolls

The Secretary of State of Texas issued an alert questioning the citizenship of almost 100,000 voters, warning that they would be purged from the electoral roll if their files are not corrected.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Latino Attorney General Rebuts Trump’s State of the Union
*Latina Voter in Texas Rejects Attempted Purge from Voting Rolls
*Purhépechas Keep Mexican Traditions Alive in Northwestern US

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

State of the Union. Also, Texas Voters Purge.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 PROGRAM # 8537 12:00 PM PT State of the Union. After being delayed for one week over the shutdown fiasco, President Trump delivers his State of the Union speech. While calling for compromise and cooperation, Trump went on the attack demanding from Congress an end to investigations and money for the border […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Trump’s Shutdown and Criminal Investigations. Also, Recovery Efforts in Houston and Mexico.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23 PROGRAM # 8527 12:00 PM PT Trump’s Shutdown and Criminal Investigations. A veteran journalist gives a rundown on the latest news in Washington, including the government shutdown and the votes in the Senate to reopen it, the spat on the State of the Union address, Trump’s threats to use his executive powers […]

Posted in Línea Abierta, Politics |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*Latino Members of Congress Prioritize Protection of Dreamers and Migrants
*Former Florida Inmates Cautiously Celebrate Right to Vote
*Survivor of Sexual Slavery Inspires Victims to Come Out of the Shadows

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

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