Search Results for: voto latino

Presidential candidates begin to talk about over-incarceration.

The public clamor about the so-called civil rights crisis has prompted that presidential candidates begin to talk about reforms to the criminal justice system.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) San Francisco, primera ciudad en prohibir el uso de tecnologías de reconocimiento facial

(Español) Y en Oakland, por ejemplo, una propuesta para agregar el reconocimiento facial a las regulaciones de la ciudad sobre el uso de dicha tecnología de vigilancia será considerada por el Comité de Seguridad Pública de esa ciudad a finales de este mes.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Clash Between Trump and Congress Could Trigger a Constitutional Crisis

The intense clash between President Trump and the Democrats of Congress was headed this week to a constitutional crisis. The president invoked “executive privilege” to refuse to deliver the full version of the Mueller report which calls for an influential chamber organ.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Paid Leave for the US. Medical Aid-in-Dying Laws. March for Blue Cards.

THURSDAY, APRIL 25 PROGRAM # 8593 12:00 PM PT Paid Leave for the US. A former small business owner who was not able to benefit from California’s paid family leave policy after she gave birth and experienced postpartum depression joins this edition to comment on the issue. A US congressman is examining stories like hers […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)

*New Book Reveals FBI’s Secret War Against César Chávez.
*Uninsured and Undocumented, Patient Faces Uncertain Future.
*Young Dreamer Changes his Life by Motivating Young Voters.

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) La pregunta de ciudadanía en el Censo 2020 peligrosa trampa de exclusión

(Español) La Oficina del Censo está legalmente obligada a mantener las respuestas confidenciales, incluso del FBI y otras entidades gubernamentales. sobre datos que identifiquen a una persona. Pero las agencias federales y los investigadores pueden solicitar información del censo sobre grupos específicos de población.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Corte Suprema cambiaría hoy la forma de hacer política en Estados Unidos si declara inconstitucional el gerrymandering

(Español) Sin embargo, el presidente del máximo tribunal, John G. Roberts Jr., sostuvo el año pasado que “crear una norma legal para identificar a los gerrymanders partidistas convertiría a la corte en una especie de árbitro de las elecciones”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

California Suspends Death Penalty

California Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered a moratorium on all executions in the state. He argues that innocent people have been sentenced to death, that it is unfair to people of color and very costly for taxpayers. California has the largest death row in the Western Hemisphere.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

In a Major Rebuke to Trump, US Senate Rejects Border Emergency

This week, President Trump received a major setback when the Republican-controlled Senate joined the US House and rejected his declaration of a national emergency.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) A 5 años de la mayor huelga de hambre en la historia, protesta contra centro de detención de ICE

(Español) En el aprendizaje de La Resistencia, “Se trata de ampliar aún más el poder y reforzar la dignidad colectivamente… cómo tejer nuestro trabajo con temas relacionados, como los movimientos anticoloniales, la justicia de género, la justicia ambiental y otros.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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