“The Wannabe Fascists”

An internationally renowned expert on right-wing studies has released his new book entitled “The Wannabe Fascists:

PROGRAM #10378 12:00 PM PT

“The Wannabe Fascists.” An internationally renowned expert on right-wing studies has released his new book entitled “The Wannabe Fascists: A Guide to Understanding the Greatest Threat to Democracy.” In his book, the author warns voters from the US and other countries about how the practice of big lies and propaganda, and the politics of xenophobia and violence, can turn populist leaders into authoritarian fascists who undermine the power of the popular vote and destroy democracy, as it happened once in Argentina, his mother country.

Guest: Professor Federico Finchelstein, Historian, The New School of Social Research, Eugene Lang College, New York, NY.

Houston Storm Damage, Emergency Aid and Recovery. Thursday’s destructive storms in the Houston area killed at least eight people and knocked out power amid soaring temperatures. In the face of rising heat, the city of Houston set up cooling centers for residents, while authorities warn that restoring power to all customers will be a lengthy process.

Guest: Mariana Pineda, Collaborating Reporter, Radio Bilingüe, Houston, TX.

Willie Velasquez: Latino Voting Rights Champion. Community leaders convened in San Antonio, TX, to pay tribute to the life and legacy of William C. Velasquez, on what would have been his 80th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the launching of the South West Voter Registration and Education Project, the organization he founded and led. With his motto “Su Voto es su Voz,” Velasquez is recognized as a visionary leader who championed Latino voting rights and changed the landscape of politics in communities throughout the Southwest and the US. Civic leaders call on the USPS to honor Velasquez with a commemorative stamp.

Guests: Judge Dora Olivo, Fort Bend County’s first Latina Justice of the Peace Precinct 4, Richmond, TX; Dr. David Montejano, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

Photo: Federico Finchelstein via X

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