The fifth anniversary of the shooting in El Paso, Texas

On the fifth anniversary of the shooting of 23 people in El Paso, Texas, perpetrated by a white nationalist, border community leaders reflect on the lessons not learned.

PROGRAM #10460 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition.

On the fifth anniversary of the shooting of 23 people in El Paso, Texas, perpetrated by a white nationalist, border community leaders reflect on the lessons not learned. They say the same type of anti-immigrant fears, conspiracy theories, disinformation, and white nationalist rhetoric that motivated the assailant continue being spread in mainstream media. In other news, after frequent reports about overcrowding and poor health care conditions in detention facilities, California lawmakers are pushing to give county health officials the power to visit and inspect federal immigration detention centers and document irregularities.

Guests: Vanessa Sánchez, Reporter, KFF Health News, Oakland, CA; Rosalba Piña, Immigration Attorney, Chicago, IL, joining today from Mexico City, MX; Fernando Garcia, Executive Director, Border Network for Human Rights-BNHR, El Paso, TX.

Photo: ruperto miller/Wikipedia

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