The Birthplace of the Farm Worker Movement

Fresno recently recognized as a historical site the place where the National Association of Farm Workers held their first convention in 1962, the event that gave birth to the organized farmworker movement.

PROGRAM #10329 12:00 PM PT

The Birthplace of the Farm Worker Movement. Fresno recently recognized as a historical site the place where the National Association of Farm Workers held their first convention in 1962, the event that gave birth to the organized farmworker movement. On the Day of Cesar Chavez, a veteran activist-turned-historian shares details of that largely unrecognized landmark event and the promoter of the official city recognition talks about the meaning of the site for Fresno.

Guests: Chris Schneider, Veteran Farmworker Movement Activist, Attorney and Former Legal Worker, United Farm Workers-UFW, Fresno, CA; Miguel Arias, City Councilman, Fresno, CA.

Thousands of Farmworkers Face Displacement. Thousands of farmworkers are now without a job after Central Valley-based giant peach company Prima Wawona declared bankruptcy and announced a massive lay off. Without compensation from the broken agribusiness, the workers are now relying on the state’s safety net and on help from community organizations. Local leaders discuss emergency aid available.

Guests: Maria Lemus, District Director, Office of Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, Fresno, CA; Maricela Ortiz, Senior Field Representative, Office of Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, Fresno, CA; Reyna Rodriguez; Spokesperson, Proteus Inc., Visalia, CA.

Photo: John Malmin via Wikimedia Commons

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