Sustainable Fishing Communities

Marine life and fish populations are plummeting as a consequence of overfishing and destructive fishing practices. What are the biggest threats to our oceans and fisheries?

PROGRAM #10367 12:00 PM PT

Sustainable Fishing Communities.

Marine life and fish populations are plummeting as a consequence of overfishing and destructive fishing practices. What are the biggest threats to our oceans and fisheries? How to stop overfishing? Some traditional fishing communities in Northwest Mexico have succeeded in moving towards sustainable fishing and conservation. How are they managing their fisheries? What social and sustainability benefits are they reaping? What can we learn about best fishing practices?

Guest: Laura Ibarra, Sustainable Fisheries Coordinator, Pronatura Noroeste, Ensenada, Baja California, MX.

Car-Tire Pollution Killing Fishes.

Scientists studied why coho salmon returning to Seattle-area streams to spawn were dying en masse. After years of research, they announced that they had found the culprit: a car-tire chemical. As a result, US regulators and California are taking steps to regulate or ban the chemical.

Guest: Paula Andalo, Ethnic Media Editor, KFF Health News, Silver Spring, MD.

Photo: Sebastian/Adobe Stock License

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