Dreamers: The Public Face.

Monday_673x324Monday, JULY 11
PROGRAM # 7832 12:00 PM PST.

Dreamers: The Public Face.

Leaders of young immigrants share their stories of survival and progress living in the US as temporarily protected undocumented residents. In this bilingual forum on the sounds of migration, convened and recorded in the National Mall as part of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival’s “Sounds of California” program, the young activists share their dreams and anxieties, and comment on a recent no decision by the US Supreme Court on DAPA and DACA plus, and the importance of coming out and put a public face to the young undocumented known as Dreamers.

Guests: Esther Yu-Hsi Lee, Immigrant from Taiwan, DACA Beneficiary, Immigration Reporter, Think Progress, Washington, DC; Karen Vallejos, Immigrant from Bolivia, DACA Beneficiary, Co-Founder, Dreamers of Virginia, Washington, DC; Raymundo Guzmán, Immigrant from Mexico, DACA Beneficiary, Cultural Activist, Singer and Dancer of the Group Nuu Yuku, Fresno, CA.

Photo: educationvotes.nea.org

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