Rebuilding US Cities

With historic levels of federal funding available for rebuilding infrastructure, city leaders from across the country gathered in Washington to discuss their top priorities. Key issues include the rising costs of fuel and housing and increasing congestion and pollution. Mayors and council members from the National League of Cities join this program to discuss pressing issues facing their cities, including their struggle to house new migrants.

PROGRAM #10322 12:00 PM PT

Rebuilding US Cities. With historic levels of federal funding available for rebuilding infrastructure, city leaders from across the country gathered in Washington to discuss their top priorities. Key issues include the rising costs of fuel and housing and increasing congestion and pollution. Mayors and council members from the National League of Cities join this program to discuss pressing issues facing their cities, including their struggle to house new migrants.

Guests: Celina Benítez, Mayor, City of Mt. Rainier, MD; Dr. Adriana Rocha García, City Council Member, San Antonio, TX; Jorge Maldonado, Mayor, City of Nogales, AZ.

Photo: The White House via Facebook

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