Pro-Immigrant Rallies Mark Workers’ Day Across U.S.

With marches for better wages in Hollywood, rallies at the site of the upcoming Republican convention, and other actions pro-immigrant demonstrators mark International Workers’ Day.

PROGRAM #10359 12:00 PM PT

Immigration Edition. With marches for better wages in Hollywood, rallies at the site of the upcoming Republican convention in Milwaukee and murals calling for empathy in El Paso, pro-immigrant demonstrators around the country mark International Workers’ Day with demonstrations against restrictive state immigration policies and for immigration reform. Organizers from cities around the US talk about their plans. In other news, a series of mural-style portraits of deported migrants, who arrived in the United States as children, is part of a mural that will be installed in the historic bridge area of Ciudad Juarez. They are profound stories of lives forever changed by deportation, marked by displacement and resilience.

Guests: Leonel Flores, May 1st. Committee, Fresno, CA; Christine Neuman-Ortíz, Executive Director, Voces de la Frontera, Milwaukee, WI; Fermín Vasquez, Deputy Director of Communications, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights-CHIRLA, Los Ángeles, CA; Berta Hernández, Member, May 1st. Coalition of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; ​​Dr. Lizbeth De La Cruz Santana, Project Director / “El Paso del Norte” Mural and Assistant Professor, Black and Latino Studies Department, Bernard M. Baruch College, The City University of New York-CUNY, New York, NY.

Photo: Fibonacci Blue via Flickr

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