Plan to Tackle Big Oil Price Spikes

Warning that when oil refiners limit gasoline supplies prices spike at the pump and Big Oil reaps massive profits, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced an unprecedented plan to mitigate gas prices and save consumers money.

PROGRAM #10475 12:00 PM PT

Plan to Tackle Big Oil Price Spikes.

Warning that when oil refiners limit gasoline supplies prices spike at the pump and Big Oil reaps massive profits, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced an unprecedented plan to mitigate gas prices and save consumers money. What’s in this new, bold bill? On other news, Latino activists in California are holding the big oil industry accountable for the pervasive contamination of entire communities and the high risk of asthma among Latino children. They are ramping up a campaign seeking protections for communities living near refineries and oil wells.

Guests: Araceli Martínez, Reporter, Los Angeles, CA; César Aguirre, Associate Director of the Climate Team, Central California Environmental Justice Network, Bakersfield, CA.

“El Chisme 2024”: Meaningful Discussions at a Critical Election Time.

A leading progressive Latino organization is mobilizing Latino voters in key U.S. swing states by holding mass events as part of the “El Chisme 2024” tour, which covers more than 20 cities in the United States and Puerto Rico. The tour is designed to engage Latino communities through cultural events, grassroots organizing and political dialogue. A spokesperson explains details and objectives of the campaign.

Guest: Jorge Gutiérrez, Director of Membership, Mijente, Chicago, IL.

Photo: ckybe/Adobe Stock

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