Bishop denounces narco violence. Also, Pedaling for Justice II.


Monsignor Miguel Patiño Velázquez, Bishop of Apatzingán, wrote a blistering critique of the lack of action by federal and local authorities to solve the growing wave of violence and chaos in the Mexican state of Michoacán. He calls this Western state “a failed state,” filled with corruption and impunity, with many officials at the service of organized crime. Catholic bishops in Mexican Church expressed fears for Msgr. Patiño’s life. The Bishop is currently under the protection of federal police due to the threat of an attempt on his life.

Guest: Msgr. Miguel Patiño Velázquez, Bishop of Apatzingán, Apatzingán, México.

Also, Pedaling for Justice II. In this second part, Mexican small businessman Carlos Gutierrez talks about the nightmarish narcoviolence prevalent in his home state, Chihuahua, his feelings of insecurity in Texas, and the movement promoted by his group, Mexicanos en el Exilio. Amputated in both legs, Gutierrez has run 400 of the nearly 700 miles he will be touring in Texas. He aims to raise awareness about the impunity of crime and corruption in Mexico, and the desperate situation of Mexicans seeking asylum in the United States. Two years ago in Mexico, extortionists cut off both of Gutierrez’s feet as a reprisal for not continuing to pay extortion fees.

Guest: Carlos Gutierrez, Mexican in Exile, road to Austin, Texas,




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