New Protections for Migrant Workers

Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su announced a new rule to strengthen protections for farmworkers.

PROGRAM #10357 12:00 PM PT

New Protections for Migrant Workers. Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su announced a new rule to strengthen protections for farmworkers. The milestone rule targets abuses against workers under the H2A program and seeks to ensure that employing temporary foreign labor will not affect the wages and working conditions of workers in the US. Acting Secretary Su explains the new rule in this timely interview.

Guest: Acting Secretary Julie Su, US Department of Labor, Santa Rosa, CA.

“Strolling Thunder.” Fearing congressional cuts to vital safeguards such as child care, special education programs, affordable housing and even children’s health care, parents from across the nation descend on Washington’s Capitol to rally and meet with members of Congress. Called Strolling Thunder, this mobilization is part of a national movement to focus on the pressing needs of babies, toddlers, and their families. A national leader discusses data on the state of babies around the nation, the special needs of babies and children from 0 to 3 years old, and key existing policies that impact the lives of children, moms, and families.

Guest: Miriam Calderón, Policy Director, Zero to Three, Washington, DC.

Affordable housing in California? In the midst of a fight to keep a roof over their heads, hundreds of California families who are part of the statewide “Housing Now!” coalition, gather at the State Capitol demanding legislative action and protesting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal to implement budget cuts of more than $1 billion for affordable housing production.

Guest: Francisco Dueñas, Executive Director, Housing Now!, Los Angeles, CA, today in Sacramento, CA.

Proposed Senate Bill SB1201 and LLC companies. A California lawmaker wants to force business owners and landlords to disclose their identities as part of legislation aimed at cracking down on ownership structures that allow some businesses to circumvent state laws without facing consequences through their status as limited liability companies (LLCs). A legislative aide explains the details of this bill, proposed by Democratic State Senator Maria Elena Durazo.

Guest: Andres Ramos, Senior Legislative Counsel, Public Advocates, Sacramento, CA.

Photo: Tim Mossholder via Unsplash

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