Mexico’s Farm Worker Leader

This is a conversation with Abelina Ramirez Ruiz, national leader of Mexico’s National Farm Workers Independent Union (Sindicato Independiente Nacional Democråtico de Jornaleros Agrícolas) and founder of the women’s advocacy group Mujeres Unidas en Defensa de las Jornaleras e Indígenas.

PROGRAM #10502 11:00 AM PT

Mexico’s Farm Worker Leader.

This is a conversation with Abelina Ramirez Ruiz, national leader of Mexico’s National Farm Workers Independent Union (Sindicato Independiente Nacional Democråtico de Jornaleros Agrícolas) and founder of the women’s advocacy group Mujeres Unidas en Defensa de las Jornaleras e Indígenas. She was a spokesperson for a caravan of protest that went across Mexico from San Quintin to Mexico City in 2017. She speaks about her experience as a pioneering woman organizer, working conditions for farm workers in the fields of Northern Mexico, the challenges to build a farm worker union, the expectations about the new federal administration in Mexico, and her outreach to farm working and indigenous organizations in California.

Guest: Abelina Ramirez Ruiz, General Secretary, National Independent Democratic Union of Farm Laborers-SINDJA and Founder, Women United in Defense of Day Laborers and Indigenous Women, San Quintín, Baja California, MX, Joining From Santa María, CA.

“Money Without Barriers.” The economy is reportedly the top concern for Latinos in the election. Yet, many in the community, especially women, do not have a basic understanding of money management. Often, the barriers are cultural beliefs about finances, such as the idea of “not talking about money” and the preference for handling everything in cash. This impacts paying for their education and saving to complete their college education. How can Latinas break these cultural taboos?

Guest: Yanely Espinal, Credit Cards and Financial Education Expert, New York, NY.


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