Mexico’s Binational Lawmakers: Making History

In last month’s election, Karina Ruiz made history after being elected as the first migrant living abroad to serve in Mexico’s Senate.


PROGRAM #10432 12:00 PM PT

Mexico’s Binational Lawmakers: Making History. In last month’s election, Karina Ruiz made history after being elected as the first migrant living abroad to serve in Mexico’s Senate. A resident of Phoenix, she is an activist grandmother and a DACA recipient. She and a group of elected migrant congress members, including undocumented US residents, visit our studios in Fresno, CA, and join this program to discuss their legislative plans, their perspective on current binational issues, Mexico’s affirmative action policies for emigres, the figure of migrant or binational legislator, the right to be nominated as candidate, and their vision for the future of Mexican consular services.

Guests (all at Radio Bilingüe studios in Fresno, CA): Karina Ruiz, Mexico’s Migrant Senator-Elect, Phoenix, AZ; Mario Torres, Outgoing Migrant Congressmember, Los Angeles, CA; Octavia Hernández Ferrer, Mexico’s Migrant Substitute Senator, Los Angeles, CA; Olga Leticia Chavez Rojas, Mexico’s Congress Member, Reelected, Los Angeles, CA. Also: ​​Lupe Cervantes, Pro Immigrant Activist, California’s Central Valley.

Photo: Canal del Congreso

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