Mexico To Elect First Woman President

Mexico is almost certain to elect the first female president in its history after 200 years of only men. This would be a major milestone, for a country where women voted for the first time in 1955.

PROGRAM #10391 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Mexico is almost certain to elect the first female president in its history after 200 years of only men. This would be a major milestone, for a country where women voted for the first time in 1955. What will this mean for Mexico? Journalists from partnering media organizations join this roundtable to discuss how much citizens trust the Mexican electoral system, the impact of the disinformation campaigns plaguing social media, the political polarization of the country, and the potential impact of the vote of Mexicans abroad.

Guests: José López Zamorano, Reporter, Washington, DC; Alberto Nájar, Director, National Newscast System, Mexican Radio Institute (IMER), Mexico City, MX; Marcela Román Valadez, Academic Researcher, University Program of Studies on Democracy, Justice and Society (PUEDJS), Rosario Castellanos University, and Regular Commentator, Radio Educación, Mexico City, MX; Alex Cabral, President, World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), and Coordinator, “Politica y Rockandroll” Community Radio Station, Hermosillo, Sonora, MX; Arturo Cano, Journalist, La Jornada, Mexico City, MX; Maritza Felix, Founder, Conecta Arizona, Journalist Arizona/Sonora beat, Phoenix, AZ.

Photo: INE MÉXICO vía Facebook

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