Census in Grave Danger, Latino Leaders Warn

CA Secretary of State Alex Padilla shared the findings of a report from the NALEO's National Latino Commission on Census 2020, which found the accuracy of the #2020Census count is in serious jeopardy. Photo: CA SOS via Twitter

CA Secretary of State Alex Padilla shared the findings of a report from the NALEO’s National Latino Commission on Census 2020, which found the accuracy of the #2020Census count is in serious jeopardy. Photo: CA SOS via Twitter

The 2020 census is in serious peril of being incomplete and inaccurate, warned a national commission of prominent Latino officials and community leaders as they revealed a comprehensive report on the topic. To address the problem, the leaders recommended to the Census Bureau and Congress that they begin by eliminating the planned question on citizenship. The head of the commission, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, spoke with Samuel Orozco about the report’s findings.

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