Israel’s War on Gaza and US Elections

Amid fears of wider escalation of the war after recent assassinations in Iran, Arab American Democrats in crucial states asked presidential candidate Kamala Harris to discuss an arms embargo on Israel.

PROGRAM #10468 12:00 PM PT

Israel’s War on Gaza and US Elections. Amid fears of wider escalation of the war after recent assassinations in Iran, Arab American Democrats in crucial states asked presidential candidate Kamala Harris to discuss an arms embargo on Israel. They said weapons supplied by the US have been used to kill civilians. Nearly 40,000 Palestinians have been killed, mostly women and children, as the bombing and a suffocating blockade on Gaza continues. A reporter shares news on Israel’s war and the way the humanitarian disaster in Gaza is playing in the US elections.

Guest: José López Zamorano, News Correspondent, Washington, DC.

Venezuelan Election: The Voting Tallies. Since the disputed presidential election in Venezuela, officials from Brazil, Colombia and Mexico have been in close contact with top representatives of both Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and the opposition seeking a solution to the country’s political crisis. The three governments are refraining from taking a position, calling instead on Venezuela’s electoral authorities to release the vote tally sheets.

Guest: Leonardo Flores, Venezuelan Political Analyst, Activist, and Founding Member, Venezuela Solidarity Network, Washington, DC.

Barriers to the Justice System. A recent study found continuing discrimination that Latinos face in the legal profession, the justice system and civic life. Leaders of lawyers say that “significant legal obstacles” remain for many Latino residents and a “growing anti-Latino sentiment continues to fuel discriminatory laws and policies, stir hateful rhetoric, and inspire violence against Hispanics.” What are the effects in the Latino community?

Guest: Gabriel Ramirez-Hernández, Commissioner, American Bar Association Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities, and Attorney, Norton Rose Fulbright, Minneapolis, MN.

Photo: duncan cumming/Flickr

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