Indigenous Women Movement

In this special, Holiday conversation, author Sylvia Marcos, pioneer of Mexico’s feminist movement and an expert on Mesoamerican indigenous women movements, discusses her most recent book: “Poética de la Insurgencia Zapatista.”

PROGRAM #10487 12:00 PM PT

Indigenous Women Movement.

In this special, Holiday conversation, author Sylvia Marcos, pioneer of Mexico’s feminist movement and an expert on Mesoamerican indigenous women movements, discusses her most recent book: “Poética de la Insurgencia Zapatista.” In this anthology, Marcos examines how Zapatista women “have played a leading role from a very early age, not only claiming their rights within their own communities, but also playing an active role in the political and social organization of the movement.” Marcos also discusses the beliefs of Mesoamerican peoples about the duality of the feminine and the masculine.

Guest: Sylvia Marcos, University Professor, Scholar, Feminist Activist, Author of “Poética de la Insurgencia Zapatista,” Cuernavaca, MX.

Photo: Heriberto Rodriguez/Wikipedia

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