“Hope and Dignity” Farmworker Exhibition Opens in Los Angeles

The Museum of Social Justice in Los Angeles is opening the exhibit “Hope and Dignity: The Farmworker Movement,” a collection of pictures curated by the Tom & Ethel Bradley Center at California State University, Northridge.

PROGRAM #10476 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: “Hope and Dignity.”

The Museum of Social Justice in Los Angeles is opening the exhibit “Hope and Dignity: The Farmworker Movement,” a collection of pictures curated by the Tom & Ethel Bradley Center at California State University, Northridge, that captures the faces of hundreds of men and women who made up the labor and civil rights movement. The exhibition includes images of marches, pickets, boycotts, elections, union meetings, and musical and theatrical performances during the early years of the farm workers’ struggle.

Guest: Dr. José Luis Benavides, Professor, Department of Journalism, Director, Tom and Ethel Bradley Center, California State University at Northridge-CSUN, Los Angeles, CA.

Find videos and more information in the YouTube channel of the Farmworker Movement Collection.

The Continuing Bombing in Gaza. More than 40,000 people, most of them women and children, have been killed after ten months of bombing in Gaza. Meanwhile, the US approves 20 billion more in weapons for Israel. What conspires against a ceasefire? Peace activists in Fresno convene a community hearing to seek answers.

Guest: Stanley Santos, Community Activist, Raza Against War, Fresno, CA.

Photo: captura de pantalla/CSUN-Tom & Ethel Bradley Center

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