Health Coverage for the Disenrolled

After losing Medi-Cal, tens of thousands of California residents remained covered through the Covered-California program.

PROGRAM #10424 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Health Coverage for the Disenrolled. After losing Medi-Cal, tens of thousands of California residents remained covered through the Covered-California program. Covered California automatically enrolled people in a low-cost health plan upon losing Medi-Cal coverage and continuing to receive financial assistance.

Guests: Dr. Barbara Rubino, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Covered California, Los Angeles, CA; Patricia Izquierdo, Public Information Officer and Communications and Public Relations, Covered California, Sacramento, CA; Dr. Trinidad Solis, Deputy Health Officer, Fresno County Department of Public Health, Fresno, CA; Josie Tizcareño Pereira, Network News Producer, Radio Bilingue, Fresno, CA.

The Fight for School Funding. California Gov. Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature announced an agreement on the state spending plan. School leaders are warning that although education funding was largely protected, they are concerned about some provisions. What does this budget deal mean to schools around the state?

Guest: Albert Gonzalez, President, California School Boards Association, Sacramento, CA.

Overtime Pay Protection in the Fields. A recent law in California sought to address a history of exclusion of farmworkers from labor protections by ensuring equal right to overtime pay. However, in the first years of the law, results have been mixed. While some workers are benefiting from higher wages, employers decreased workers’ hours and pay after the law. Ag industry interests are now pushing a bill in Sacramento proposing new criteria to be eligible for overtime pay in the fields. A reporter from The Merced Focus has been covering the story.

Guest: Christian Betancourt, Reporter, The Merced Focus-El Enfoque de Merced, Merced, CA.

Photo: Prathankarnpap/Adobe Stock

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