Petrochemical Pollution Ravages Community

As previously reported, human rights organizations revealed the devastating effects that toxic pollution from hundreds of industrial plants in Houston’s Ship Channel region, the largest petrochemical complex in the US, is having on the health of local communities. The watchdogs blamed local and state authorities for failing to enforce protective systems. In this program, journalists who visited a frontline community and interviewed Latino families share their findings.

PROGRAM #10312 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Petrochemical Pollution Ravages Community. As previously reported, human rights organizations revealed the devastating effects that toxic pollution from hundreds of industrial plants in Houston’s Ship Channel region, the largest petrochemical complex in the US, is having on the health of local communities. The watchdogs blamed local and state authorities for failing to enforce protective systems. In this program, journalists who visited a frontline community and interviewed Latino families share their findings.

Guests: Alejandra Martinez, News Reporter, Texas Tribune, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX; Wendy Selene Perez, Freelance Journalist, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.

Photo: Patrick Hendry via Unsplash

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