Extra Edition: Debunking Myths. (Program Repeat). Also, Toxic Oil Pollution Ravaging Communities.

Most Latino children in California live in the most contaminated areas and suffer from asthma and diabetes at higher rates than white children. In response, community advocates are launching a campaign to debunk lies and draw the links between these maladies and climate change and the role of Big Oil. They are also urging the government to adopt remedial policies. This archival program was originally aired on February 1, 2024.

PROGRAM # 10279 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Debunking Myths. (Program Repeat).

Most Latino children in California live in the most contaminated areas and suffer from asthma and diabetes at higher rates than white children. In response, community advocates are launching a campaign to debunk lies and draw the links between these maladies and climate change and the role of Big Oil. They are also urging the government to adopt remedial policies. This archival program was originally aired on February 1, 2024.

Guests: Martha Argüello, Executive Director, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles, CA; Rey Leon, Chief Executive Officer, LEAP Institute, Huron, CA.

Toxic Oil Pollution Ravaging Communities.

Human rights organizations released new reports exposing the devastating toll toxic pollution from fossil fuel and petrochemical industry is taking on the health of many communities in Texas and around the US. Authors of the reports are invited to share the findings.

Guest: Luciana Téllez-Chávez, Senior Researcher, Environment and Human Rights Division, Human Rights Watch, Berlin, Germany.

Photo: Adobe stock license

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