Mexico Edition.


Host Martha Elena Ramírez analyses the disappearance cases in Mexico and the response of the government. Civic groups say about thirty-thousand people in Mexico have vanished, but the government gives a different number, they say it’s only eight-thousand and they labeled them as “missing.” Officials say several of the people who were reported “missing” have been found alive. However, activists use Campaña Internacional del Detenido Desaparecido to state that some of the “missing” cases are actual kidnappings at the hands of military personnel and the established complaints on these cases have not been investigated. A representative of a group of Mexican exiles talks about the disappearance cases of their relatives in Mexico and the conference held in El Paso, TX, with a high ranking official of the Mexican Federal Government to discuss the cases. This Edition is broadcast from Mexico City.

Guests: Nadin Reyes Maldonado, Member, Comité de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos, Mexico, D. F.; Cita Loyo, Member, Comité de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos, Mexico, D. F.; Cipriana Jurado, President, Mexicanos en Exilio, El Paso, TX.


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