Biden Vows to Stay in Presidential Race

U.S. President Joe Biden refuses to drop out of his race for a second term in the White House, as pressure grows among Democrats to step aside.

PROGRAM #10433 12:00 PM PT

Biden Vows to Stay in Presidential Race.

After President Biden took a bruising in the recent presidential debate, some Democratic lawmakers and donors are calling on Biden to step aside. In this program, a news reporter discusses the scenarios in the road ahead for the Democratic presidential campaign and a top Biden campaign spokesperson defends Biden’s decision to stay in the race.

Guests: Maca Casado, Director of Hispanic Media, Biden-Harris Campaign, Wilmington, DE; José López Zamorano, Contributing Reporter, Washington, DC.

Big Oil Retreats from Ballot Fight. In California, the oil industry withdrew its referendum campaign to kill a historic law to protect neighborhoods from oil and gas wells in the November ballot, allowing the law to go into effect. The oil industry might now challenge the law in court.

Guest: Dulce Altamirano, Community Leader and Member, Communities for a Better Environment-CBE, Wilmington, CA.

Rolling Back Criminal Justice Reforms. A “tough-on-crime” initiative advanced by law enforcement activists and backed by retail giants qualified for California’s November ballot. The measure would revise Proposition 47, passed by voters in 2014 to ease mass incarceration. What are the stakes for communities of color?

Guest: Norma Palacios, Policy Coordinator, Drug Policy Alliance, Los Angeles, CA.

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