Anti-Union Ads in the Farmlands

Powerful ag groups are spending millions on Spanish-language radio ads criticizing California’s card check law, in an effort to discourage farm workers from voting in union elections.

PROGRAM #10354 11:00 AM PT

Extra Edition: Anti-Union Ads in the Farmlands. Powerful ag groups are spending millions on Spanish-language radio ads criticizing California’s card check law, in an effort to discourage farm workers from voting in union elections. How accurate is the content of those messages? Who is behind this campaign? What’s its impact in the fields? A reporter who investigated the story shares her findings.

Guest: Melissa Montalvo, Reporter, Fresno Bee, Fresno, CA.

Planada Flood Recovery Aid. The deadline for Planada flood victims to apply for recovery relief has expired. And even though 80 percent of the community property was damaged, only half of the residents submitted applications. More than a year after the floods, how is the community struggling to get back on their feet?

Guest: Christian De Jesús Betancourt, Reporter, The Merced Focus/El Enfoque de Merced, Merced, CA.

Crime Suppression Effort in Bakersfield. With growing concern in several California localities about the increase in assaults, auto thefts, vandalism, and small business and retail burglaries, California Gov. Newsom launched a coordinated effort to crack down on crime in the Central Valley, and specifically, in Kern County, which has high rates of property crime, violent crime, and arrests compared to the statewide average. What are the details of this joint effort? What concrete measures and actions are on the horizon? And who will be in charge of implementing them?

Guests: Gerardo Guzmán, Journalist and Radio Producer, Atlanta, GA; Diana Crofts-Pelayo, Deputy Director of Communications, Office of California Governor Gavin Newsom, Sacramento, CA; Eulogio Ceja, California Highway Patrol Officer, Central Division, El Protector Program, Bakersfield, CA.

Photo: Tim Mossholder via Unsplash

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