Tag Archives: jóvenes

Dreamers Club

Everett Alvarez’s High School Dreamers’ Club in Salinas, CA, a student-led organization, seeks to raise awareness, create community, and advocate for immigration reform. We provide students and families with resources, community service opportunities, and support with college applications and scholarships, as well as information regarding the Dream Act and DACA. Guests: Ms. Ana Barrera, Mr.Jason […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

Discussing Race and Culture

The Sociology Club from Hartnell Community College in Salinas, California speaks about how talking about race helps to break barrier and strengthen the community. Guests: Vivian Leyva, Neyda Cortes, Sharmaine De Luna, Eduardo Velasquez and Chantal

Posted in Latin Alternative |

Working hard to reach your dream: Enrique Montano

Alza Tu Voz / Speak Out, youth radio program participants interview Enrique Montano, professional local soccer player. He shared his story, education, motivation, and achievements. Guest: Enrique Montano, professional soccer player with Louisville FC

Posted in Youth Focused |

My Grandfather was a Bracero

During this edition of Alza Tu Voz / Speak Out we talked with a group of young adults that about “Mi Abuelito Fue Bracero” [My Grandpa was a Bracero], a project in the Salinas Valley that seeks to collect stories, interviews, and anecdotes of grandparents, parents, and families who came during the times of the […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

From the Fields to Top College: One Family’s Story

All four Ramirez siblings attended the prestigious University of California at Berkeley. That’s no small accomplishment for a farm working family living in one of the poorest cities in California, and one of the least educated in the country.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Youth, Latest News |